Day 6 - Estonia

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 You're Russia's sister and you're already dating Estonia in this.


I looked down at the tiny stick in my hand and smiled. I walked out of the bathroom only to bump into Raivis, "I'm sorry Miss (Y/n)!"

I smiled and hugged him, "There's nothing to be sorry for, Raivis. It was my fault for not looking where I was going."

He looked down at the ground before bending down and picking something up. He stood back up and looked at what was in his hand before turning back to me, "Miss (Y/n), what's this?" he asked, holding out the item to me. I gasped when I realised it was the positive pregnancy test. I quickly grabbed it out of his hand, "Nothing! Please, don't tell Ivan yet. I want Eduard to know before Ivan murders him."

He nodded before running off. I took a deep breath and walked downstairs where I noticed Eduard sitting on the sofa, updating his blog. I smiled and walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around him, "Hey."

"Hello, (Y/n)." He brought a hand up and took the test from my hand, "(Y/n), what's this?" he asked looking up at me. I smiled, "I'm pregnant, Eduard. You're going to be a father."

He smiled before his eyes widened, showing fear, "Oh no, Mr Russia is going to kill me."

"Why would I do that?" I looked up at the voice to see Ivan standing in the doorway. Eduard jumped up from the sofa and hid behind me, "N-nothing, Mr Russia!"

"Estonia. Come here."

Eduard nervously came out from behind me and approached Ivan. I followed and placed a hand on Ivan's shoulder, "Don't kill him. That's a warning."

"Of course not, Sunflower. I wouldn't," he replied before turning to Eduard again, "Take care of my Sunflower, Da?"

"O-Of course, Mr Russia!"

"(Y/n), I get to be uncle, Da?"

I nodded, "Yes. You're going to be an uncle."

------------------------Christmas Day

I smiled as I lay in the hospital bed. It had been a very tiring 4 hours but I wouldn't change it for the world. I was snapped from my trance by a voice, "(Y/n), can I hold her?"

"You don't need to ask, Eduard, she's your daughter too," I replied handing the little baby I was holding to him. I smiled watching the Estonian man cooing at the little baby before being knocked from my thoughts by a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal Ivan, "You're okay, Da?" I nodded, "I'm great actually. Tired, but great."

"See niece, Da?"

I nodded and Eduard looked up, before standing up and handing Natasha to him. I smiled at the sight and beckoned Eduard back over to me. He got the message and walked over, sitting back on the chair he was sitting on before. I rolled my eyes, "I meant I wanted you closer," I spoke, patting the bed and moving over to make room for him. He stood up and walked over again, sitting on the bed. I smiled and leaned in, pecking him on the cheek, "I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/n). I'm sorry you had to spend Christmas in the hospital."

"Eduard, you have nothing to be sorry for. I wouldn't change this for the world. I'm glad we have Natasha and I'm serious when I say that this is the best Christmas ever. Nothing can change my opinion of that," I spoke, kissing him, "And I wouldn't change you for the world either."

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