Day 17 - Apollo

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Prompt: Yes, "Character A's ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A's fiancé." from

Timing: After SoJ, but as if Apollo didn't stay in Khura'in.

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Age: 25

Reader's Occupation: Detective

Reader's Relations: Klavier's Ex and Apollo's best friend since Middle School

Warnings: None

Other notes: Sorry this wasn't out of Friday, I was just too tired to write it, also I didn't have an idea then... or Yesterday


I smiled to myself and knocked on the door of the Wright Anything Agency. The door was soon opened and I smiled, thanking the Lord that it was Apollo who had opened it, "Apollo, I need you to do a favour for me."

"(Y/n), I know you and your favours. What tell me what it is before I agree to it."

Before I could reply, Trucy had piped up, "Polly, who are you talking to?" She then also came to the door before smirking, "Polly is this your girlfriend? And if she is, why didn't you tell us?!"

"Because, she's not my girlfriend, Trucy. She's my best friend that I've had since middle school, now go and practice your magic tricks while I talk to her, okay?" Trucy pouted before walking off and I turned back to Apollo, "So, about my favour," I paused and looked down at the floor, "This may seem like a big, big ask, but theprecinctandtheprosecutors'officearehavingaChristmaspartyandIneedyoutopretendtobemyboyfriend'causeIknowthatKlavier'sgoingtobethereecausehecameuptomeandaskedmeifIwantedtogowithhim!"

He processed what I'd said before placing a hand on my shoulder, "If that's what you want, (Y/n), I'd be happy to help, but are you sure I'd be allowed?" I smiled widely and hugged him, "Thank you! I know Klavier won't try to approach me if it's your arm I'm clinging onto and your arm wrapped around my waist, and yes, you'll be fine, we're all allowed to bring a plus one anyway so it's okay!"

"(Y/n), I'll help you on one condition. I pretend to be your fiancé rather than boyfriend."

I smiled, "Still works for me, and I have a ring at home I can pretend is an engagement ring. Also, that actually works better, because knowing Klavier, he'd try to break us up if we were just 'dating' but if you're pretending to be my fiancé, he'll know or think that it's set in stone and there's nothing he can do to break us up."


"And here's the test." I took a deep breath as Klavier came up to us and I felt Apollo's grip on my waist, tighten.

"Ah Fraulein, good to see you again, ja?"

"Shut it, Gavin," I replied, spite in my voice, "You broke my heart, do you really think that I'd be happy to see you?!" I placed my left arm around Apollo's shoulder fiddling with the ring on my finger.

"I see you've got Herr Forehead on your arm now."

"Yes, you got that right, Gavin and I'll have you know he's my fiancé, so back off from be okay. I'm never going to get back together with you, got it?"

He nodded and walked off, probably to go and bother Ema more. I took a deep breath and smiled, leaning my head on Apollo's shoulder, "Thank you for doing this for me, Apollo. Klavier would probably still be pestering me if you weren't here with me."

"I'm just happy to help you out, (Y/n), especially if I get to rub it in Gavin's fake German face!" I giggled and hugged him, sighing, This is what made me fall in love with you, Apollo.


A few hours later, we decided to head home cause be were both tired, which was okay, because we lived together anyway. Once we got back home, we flopped down on the sofa and I turned the TV on, ready to find a Christmas film for me and Apollo to watch, as was our tradition. Every year since we'd met, on Christmas Eve, we'd watch a film before going to bed. We'd just sat down on the sofa, and I was about to press play on the remote, when Apollo's voice caught my attention, "You know," I looked up at him, "You never did actually tell me why you and Gavin broke up."

I gulped and turned away from him, "Apollo, that is none of your business!"

"Come on, tell me! I'm your best friend!" I replied, poking me.

I sighed and grabbed his hand, forcing his hand away, "Never. I'm not telling you!"


I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to get him to stop, "Fine... We broke up because.." I paused and whispered the next bit, "I realised I didn't love him anymore and had fallen in love with you."

"Pardon? I didn't hear that."

I rolled my eyes, "WE BROKE UP BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! There, I said it," I flopped back on the sofa, turned away from him, "Go ahead, kick me out of your house. I know you do-" I was interrupted, by him pushing me down to the sofa, so I was lying on my back, "I love you too, (Y/n)." He then leaned down and kissed me, "Merry Christmas, (Y/n)."

I smiled, "Merry Christmas to you too, Apollo."

--------------END OF ONESHOT

Finally done.... I might get another one done tonight, but my laptop will run out of charge soon so I might just write them tomorrow as well as making my mum's birthday cake in advance of Boxing Day...

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