Day 7 - Cilan

32 1 0

Prompt: None

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Great friends with the triplets since childhood

Reader's Home Region: Unova (Gen 5)

Warnings: None

Other notes: Don't ask.... Also I thought of this yesterday. Which is good as it means I'm not stressing myself to write it at like 10pm tonight. Also, context so peeps ain't confused: Reader-Chan has been in Sinnoh for a few months. Also in this your starter is Tepig, and you also have a Cinccino (Minchino's evolution), the rest you can pick yourself. Also, Chili and Cress might be out of character a bit...


I took a deep breath before entering the restaurant I remembered from before my trip, which was in actual fact, the Striaton City Gym. I smiled down at the Tepig in my arms as two of the three boys I had known since childhood came up to me, Cress with a knowing look on his face. Chili was still clueless and unable to work out it was me, and asked if I was a challenger or coming for the food. I replied saying that I was a challenger.

"I see. So you chose Tepig, therefore you'll be facing Cr-" Before Chili could say anything else, Cress had elbowed him, "You'll be facing Cilan is what Chili means to say, Chili go find him, I take our challenger to the battlefield."

Chili nodded before walking off, presumably to find Cilan. I turned back to Cress to see him with a smirk on his face, "I know it's you (Y/n)."

"And I know I should have to battle you. I know how your gym works Cress. Why are you getting me to battle Cilan?"

"Cause I know about your crush on him. Use Tepig against Pansage and you'll win easily."

"B-but Gym leaders are trying to win. Why are you wanting me to win?"

"I have my reasons (Y/n). Also, you can keep the get up on, Chili hasn't recognised it is you yet and I doubt Cilan will too."

A few minutes later Chili came back Cilan following him, out of breath. Just as we were about to start, Cinccino decided to hop out of her Pokéball, and hop on my head, "Cinccino." I sighed, "Okay, buddy, you can stay up there."


Throughout the battle, which Cilan didn't seem to have a problem with, after I brought Tepig out, I caught part of the conversation between the other two brothers.

"Hey Cress? Didn't (Y/n)'s Minchino like to sit on her head?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"This Chinchino is doing the exact same."

"So? Pokémon can do what they want."

"True, but this girl's Tepig was in her arms when she came in, like how (Y/n)'s didn't like being in it's Pokéball."

I chuckled, knowing this meant Chili was starting to work out that it was me, but before I could dwell on it any longer, I remembered the battle, "Tepig, use flamethrower!"

It was a direct hit.

"Pansage is unable to battle! Tepig is the winner and the victory goes to the challenger!" I smiled and Tepig walked back over to me, "Tepig, Tepig Te!" I smiled, "Well done, buddy," before I pet him on the head.

"Congratulations , here's your badge." I smiled again and too the badge, placing it in the case that my parents had bought for when when I'd originally set out on my journey. Cress walked over and patter my head, "May as well tell him."

"Get off of me, you of all people should know I don't like people touching my hair."

He chuckled, "Sorry."

"Cress, do you know her?"

I feigned hurt before falling into Cilan, in a fake feint, Cinccino having jumped off of my head after the battle was over, "Oh Ci-Ci, I am hurt. You have wounded me. How can you not recognise me?"

It took him a second before, "(Y-(Y/n)?!" I smiled and hugged him, "Yep! I missed you." Before anything else could be said, Tepig had knocked Cilan onto the ground before snuggling into him, "Tepig Te!" I giggled, "Well, it looks like Tepig missed you too. Tepig, give Cilan his personal space please." Tepig nodded before climbing off Cilan and walking back to me. Just as Cilan stood up, there was an exclamation from behind us, "I can't take this anymore!" shortly after which I was pushed into Cilan, the two of us falling back onto the floor of the battlefield as we still hadn't left yet. Both of our faces put Chili's hair to shame in the red aspect, when we realised the position we were in as it looked like I was straddling him. I squeaked, "Cilan, I am so sorry! I must have just tripped over my feet, I-I am so sorry!" As much as I wanted to punch both of his brothers right now, I didn't want to throw them under the bus as they, well one of them, had actually pushed me into him. I quickly got up and helped him up, "You okay?" He nodded, telling me he was fine and I turned to both Chili and Cress, "You two are so dead."

"We're just trying to get you two together."

"Yeah! Literally the whole of Striaton City and all of the challengers who came here before (Y/n)'s trip know(s) that you two have crushes on each other, and we know that if the 'sorting out of the feelings' is left to you two, then you'll both be 30 before anything actually happens. We're just doing it for your own good."

Again, my face could have put Chili's hair to shame with how red it was, but before I, or Cilan could say anything else, they'd both rand off, shutting us in the battlefield room. I sighed and decided to sit down on one of the rocks, not realising that Cilan had sat down with me.

"Is it true?" he asked, breaking the awkward silence between us.

"I-Is what true?" I replied. I knew he was talking about what Cress had said, but I didn't want to talk about it.

"Is what Cress said earlier true? Do you have a crush on me?" I looked away from him and slowly nodded, "Y-yes. I do. I just can't help it though. Everything you do just makes me fall in love with you even more than I already am. Even the fear of Purrloins."

"Y-you know about that?"

"Ci-Ci, I've known you since we were kids, of course I'm going to to these sorts of things about you!"

"Y-yeah. I guess that's true."

"Cilan, I am 100% in love with you. You and your quirks. Now it's your turn to answer my question: Do you have a crush on me?"

And for the third time in the span of the last half hour, his face but Chili's hair to shame.

I giggled, "Ci-Ci, if you do, it's fine. I've already confessed my love to you so you don't need to be embarrassed, also your brothers did really spill the secret earlier..."

"I guess you're right."

Before I could say anything else, he'd taken my chin in his hand and leaned in, kissing me, something I happily returned.

"Hey! CILAN! You have a challenger!"

------------------END OF ONESHOT

Today's done!

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