Day 4 - Tamaki

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Reader's Age: 17

Reader's Relations: Honey's Younger Sister

Warnings: None

Other notes: Well this is a surprise... as the others for this year have all been AA ones, but I will be doing different fandoms each day, just to make it so I'm not solely having one fandom a year so everyone can enjoy! (Please give me requests/suggestions... please I can't do this without requests)


Being the only girl in the Host Club, well except for Haruhi, but she was still pretending to be a guy, so to the rest of the school, I was the only girl, was hard. Once Tamaki had found out I was Mitsukuni's sister, after I'd flipped him onto the floor the first time he tried to flirt with me, he was constantly pestering me to join. I thought it was a stupid idea at first, but after the first few weeks I started to develop a crush on him.

However, I kept it to myself. Despite this, it still hurt me inside whenever I saw him doing his 'hosting'. Sometimes I wished it was me that he was 'flirting' with and holding the way he did with the other girls, but I knew, I knew that I'd probably scared him off from when I threw him on the ground after our first meeting.

Anyway, I had been leaning against one of the podiums in the music room just thinking to myself of what to get each of the Host Club members for Christmas, when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "(Y/n)-Senpai, you okay?"

"You two better go away unless you want to end up like Tamaki."

The two of them smirked to each other before turning back to me, "You mean you're going to get a crush on both of us?"

"What?! Where in the world did you get that from with 'being the same as Tamaki'?! I meant thrown on the floor."

"Senpai, we both know you have a crush on the Boss."

"Yeah, like the whole Host Club knows."

I groaned, "Don't you two fucking dare tell him, or you know what's coming."

"Don't worry-"

"-We won't tell anyone."

"Good, or you're dead."


The Host Club, well really Tamaki, with Mitsukuni liking the idea very much, decided to have a Christmas Party. However, for once this time it was just the 8 of us. No other girls flocking them all, just us having fun together.


I yawned before lying my head on the closest thing: Tamaki's shoulder, it apparently shocked him because I felt him freeze up, before he placed a hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer, "Sleep well, Princess."


Once (Y/n) had fallen asleep on my shoulder and both Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai hadn't tried to kill me when I brought her closer, the twins turned to me, both of them with massive smirks on their faces, "Boss, 'Truth or Dare'?"

"What are you two shady twins playing at?"

"Nothing, just a simple question."

"Fine dare."

They smirked and looked to each other, "Kiss (Y/n)-Senpai."


"You heard us."

There was a small part of me that was telling me not to, because she'd probably end up getting taken away from me by something. However, it was true, I did want to kiss her, but with her consent. (Y/n), forgive me for this. I adjusted slightly before leaning down and kissing her. I noticed her eyes slowly open and I was going to retreat, but I was unable to due to her still being in a sleepy state and she got very grumpy when she was woken up. Her eyes shot wide open and her face went bright red before she broke off immediately, growling at me, "I'd have thought a gentleman would know NOT to kiss a lady without her permission, and you call yourself a prince," she spoke, standing up and walking out of the room. Before she left, she said one thing, "Oh and congratulations, you took my first kiss."

----------------------YOUR POV

"You okay, (Y/n)-Chan? You're not eating your cake."

I smiled and nodded, "I'm fine, Mitsukuni. You don't need to worry. I was just thinking about some things."

"Oh, okay!" he replied before going back to eating his slice of cake. I couldn't stop thinking about it. When Tamaki had kissed me, despite me immediately rejecting his advances, I felt fireworks in my heart. I knew I had a crush on him already but the fireworks, told me that there was Chemistry together.

"It's the Tamaki-Situation, isn't it, (Y/n)?"

"Kyoya, quiet before I throw you onto the floor."

"He feels the same."

"HEY!!! What are you guys talking about?!" Before I could do or say anything I had been pushed into Tamaki and I wrapped my arms around his neck to stable myself.

"You okay, Princess?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. T-thank you for catching me."

"Of course. It would be a shame to see a pr-Wait.. Bad Tamaki! Remember what happened the last time you tried to flirt with her!" I giggled at his monologue to himself and leaned up, pecking his cheek, "i-I'm sorry I shouted at you when you kissed me. I wasn't expecting it and I was just angry after just waking up."

"Maybe this time, I'll do it properly. Princess, would you let me kiss you?" I smiled, "Y-you want to?"

"I wouldn't have taken on the twins dare before if I didn't really want to kiss you." I smiled more and felt my face flush, "O-oh. I-In that case, I-I don't mind." He smiled back before taking my chin in his hand and leaning in kissing me.


Well... this didn't have much to do with Christmas... but ehh.... Christmas Party, plus it's 10:12 rn for me so I need sleep and I needed to post this.

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