Day 4 - Klavier

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Idea Credit: One of my friends... Ita, I believe this was your idea

Fandom: Ace Attorney

Reader's Relations: Klav's girlfriend/Apollo's sister

Warnings: None that I can think of

Other Notes: You're a defence attorney in this, takes place post SoJ... but no spoilers


I sighed sitting on the sofa in the house that I shared with Klavier since we'd started dating, just looking at the photo in my hands that had been taken the day me and Klavier had got together of us in the agency with Trucy, Athena, Apollo and Mr Wright. I let out a small sigh at the memory and brushed my thumb across the photo. Klavier had been on tour with his band for the past few months and even after telling me he'd be back before Christmas, I had got a text that morning, saying it would be New Year before he got back, something about planes not flying or something. I gave up with whatever his excuse was.

That led me to be sitting on the sofa alone, Mikeko, (who was technically Apollo's cat, but he was in Khura'in on a visit so I was looking after the ball of fur for him while he was there), on my lap purring away trying to distract me. It was then that I received a text from Athena: "(Y/n)! Come to the Agency now! It's urgent!" I rolled my eyes and nudged Mikeko off my lap before standing up and going to put my shoes and coat on and running out of the house, remembering to lock the door behind me.


When I arrived, I opened the door to the agency and immediately clasped my hands over my mouth, tears of happiness running down my cheeks. Before anything could be said, I ran up and hugged him, "You're back! I thought you said you wouldn't be able to get back until after New Year! I missed you so much Klavier!"

"I missed you too Schatzi. I told you that so I could surprise you."


And so we spent the remainder of Christmas Day in the Agency, happily celebrating with Athena, Trucy, Mr Wright and Apollo, who hadn't actually been in Khura'in at all, instead he'd just decided to mess with me. I smiled nuzzling into Klavier's side on one of the sofas as I saw him giving Apollo a look, to which he received a nod in return before turning back to me, fiddling with something in his pocket.

"Schatzi, I have a question for you."

I giggled and leaned up pecking his cheek, smiling, "Of course, you can, Klav, you don't need to ask."

"Well, Schatzi, I love you so so much, and it would make my Christmas if you were to marry me?" I saw up properly and my hands flew to my mouth, tears of joy coming to my eyes, "YES!" He smiled and placed the ring on my finger, causing me to return the smile and hug him. It was when I heard the snap of a camera, that I noticed that Athena and Trucy were hiding behind the other sofa, only their heads and cameras they had visible, causing my face to go red in both anger and embarrassment, "Delete those right now!!" They both froze and dashed off, running out the agency, but before I could dash out after them, I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Just leave them, Schatzi." I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I guess you're right, Klav."

"(Y/n), can I-" before he could finish, I had turned around and hugged Apollo, "Thank you. You are the best brother I could ever ask for!" I felt him return the hug, "Uh... if you say so, (Y/n)."


Sorry this is short, I was unsure how to end it.

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