Day 5 - Russia

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Idea Credit: I don't remember, but it wasn't me

Fandom: Hetalia

Reader's Relations: None

Warnings: None

Other Notes: For the purpose of this oneshot, you and Russia are neighbours


I sighed as I put down the phone after having a call from my parents. Unfortunately, they were not going to be able to make it for Christmas which I had been saddened by as Melissa (You get a cupcake if you know where I got the name from, Ace Attorney fans) had been looking forward to seeing her grandparents, and now she wasn't going to be able to.


"Yes, sweetie?" I asked, turning to the voice, "What do you need my little angel?" She giggled, "When are Granny and Grandad going to get here?" I tensed up not wanting to break it to here, "Sweetie, they're not going to be able to make it. I'm sorry, but they said the snow was too heavy get the car out." Her face fell but she soon perked up again, "Oh, okay! At least I have you to celebrate with!" I smiled and petted her on the head, but before I could reply, my mobile went off. I stood up and took it out of my pocket, answering it, "Hello?" I smiled when I heard Ivan's voice coming from the other end, "Привет, (Y/n)! I was just wondering whether you would like to come over for Christmas?"

I smiled, "Thanks for the offer Ivan! I'll take you up on that, my parents just cancelled on me cause the snow was too heavy where they live to get the car out and they were supposed to bring the food, so thanks. When do you want us?"

"'Us'?" he asked, causing me to tense up a tad, "Oh yeah, Melissa and I... it's okay if I bring her, right?"

"Of course, Sunflower. And can you come as soon as you can?"


"(Y/n), can I ask you a question?"

I smiled and turned to Ivan, thankful that his sisters were keeping Melissa entertained for a while, playing with some of the new toys and games she'd got for Christmas, "Yes, of course you can!"

"Are you currently taken, Sunflower?"

"If you're asking me if I'm single, then yes, I am, Ivan, w-" before I could finish my sentence, he's placed a hand on my head and come closer, "Sunflower, may I kiss you?" My face went bright red but instead of saying anything I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and kissed him.

"Merry Christmas, Sunflower."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Ivan, and I'm sure Melissa would love to have you as a father figure in her life by the way."


Sorry it's short, I was running out of ideas....

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