Day 22 - America

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Prompt: Thankies to mein Freund on Discord (Pearls, yup know who you are) for giving me this idea. And I picked America cause I thought this would be something Alfred would 100% do.

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: None (America's best friend)

Warnings: None

Other notes: Only 3 more after I've finished this one... I'll do the 23rd and 24th tomorrow cause it's already 10pm pretty much. Also, this will most likely be quite short, cause I'm tired and I can't think... cause it's half 10 now as I'm writing this part of the notes section.


Being friends with Alfred meant one thing. Christmas Prank-Offs. Every year since I'd known him, starting on the first of December, we took it in turns to prank each other. However, this year was different. I'd recently developed a crush on the hamburger-loving American, and there was no one else I trusted more than him to make me a Christmas playlist for the party I was holding. However, things took a turn for the strange...


The party had been going well, everyone had liked the Secret Santa gift they'd got, and the food that I'd spent the whole of Christmas Eve making, meaning I now had a very sore back and feet, the night in bed not helping at all. I had been sitting on the sofa, minding my own business, when I heard a shout, "Yo, Dudette! Get some music on please!" I sighed and stood up, "Fine, send me the playlist you made and I'll go and get my phone and Bluetooth speaker." I dashed off upstairs while I noticed Alfred getting his phone out, "You got it, Dudette!" Once I found my phone and speaker, I dashed back downstairs and connected the speaker to my phone, getting on Spotify and seeing that Alfred had sent me the playlist that had been conveniently titled 'Christmas Playlist for the Dudette, ps to Said Dudette, DO NOT look at any of the songs, just play it (Not shuffled)'. I sighed at Alfred's behaviour and raised a brow at him before setting the playlist to play. Immediately, the ever familiar sound of 'Never Gonna Give You Up' blasted through my living room and I immediately paused the playlist, "ALFRED F JONES, YOU BETTER START RUNNING! You bloody git, you rickrolled me. You are so fucking dead!" I walked over to him, looking like I was going to kill him, but before I could touch him, he was begging for mercy, "W-wait, wait, wait, Dudette, please don't hurt me."

"You have one minute to plead your case, Alfred," I replied, looking at my watch for the exact time.

"Just listen to the lyrics, Dudette, please. I wasn't trying to Rickroll you, I just want you to listen to the lyrics, cause it's a good way to show you how I feel about you."

I sighed before I felt a hand on my shoulder, "You should do as he's asking you too, Love." I sighed again and walked over to my phone, "Alfred, connect your phone to speaker and play the REST of the playlist from there, I'll go listen to this properly, like you want me to."

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up, "You got it, Dudette!" I smiled back and walked off upstairs with my phone after taking my Bluetooth off so Alfred would be able to connect. I closed the door to my bedroom and flopped on my bed, opening up my phone to Spotify and clicking on 'Never Gonna Give You Up'. (Don't worry Readers, I won't put you through it) Once I was done, I thought back to what Alfred had told me before, "it's a good way to show you how I feel about you"? Wait... does Alfie have a crush on me and this is his way of telling me? I smiled and made my way downstairs, "Alfred, can I talk to you please?"

He turned in my direction and nodded, "Sure, Dudette. Iggy, you're in charge of music until the Hero comes back," he spoke, handing his phone to Arthur before following me out to my back garden. I took a deep breath, "So, I listened to the lyrics properly, Alfie. Do you really feel all those things in that song?"

He nodded, his face a bit red, "Y-yeah, I do feel like that. (Y/n), I love you."

I smiled, tears coming to my eyes from happiness, "I love you too, Alfie. Can we stop the pranks now though?"

"I'll think about it, Dudette, can I kiss you?" I giggled and nodded, leaning up and kissing him.

"Merry Christmas, Alfie."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Dudette."

---------------------------END OF ONESHOT.

Yeah... relatively short compared to my others... but I will hopefully catch up tomorrow, writing today's in the morning sometime and tomorrows at night before I sleep, which is when I has most inspiration/motiviation... I sleep now...

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