Day 11 - Yuuri

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Idea Credit: Half me, half a friend (thanks Ita)

Fandom: Yuri on Ice

Reader's Relations: Yuko's friend (You also know Yuuri)

Warnings: None

Other Notes: Sorry this is late, I wasn't feeling like writing yesterday


"Come on, (Y/n)! Hurry up!"

I rolled my eyes and Yuko continued to drag me, "I have no idea why you're dragging me to an Ice rink! I haven't been on the ice since my injury, and my doctor told me to be extremely careful with myself!"

"You'll be fine, (Y/n) trust me!"

I just shook my head and let her continue to drag me to the rink, where she got me to put skates one and somehow got me on the ice. I took a deep breath and kicked off skating around the rink as if my injury had never happened. That was until I bumped into someone, not looking where I was going. I closed my eyes on impact and only opened them when I felt something soft under me. My eyes widened when I realised that the position we were in, was me lying on top of Yuuri, who I'd bumped into and my lips were pressed to his. I immediately stood up and helped him up wiping myself down, "Sorry Yuuri! I didn't mean to bump into you."

I didn't get a reply, instead he just stared at me in shock, before he took a deep breath, "Did you kiss me?"

"NO! I mean yes, but, follow me," I grabbed his hand and dragged him off the ice, ignoring the heart Yuko was sending me made with her hands and sat down on a nearby bench, "I'm sorry Yuuri, I didn't mean to, I just lost track of my footing with my injury, I guess it's not fully healed."

"(Y/n), y-you don't need to apologise. I-In fact, can you do it again?"

My head shot up to meet his gaze and his face was red. I nodded and grabbed his top (idk what to call what he'd be wearing), kissing him, "I love you, Yuuri. Merry Christmas."

"I love you too, (Y/n)."


"So... How did you and dad get together again?" I rolled my eyes and giggled, patting the 7-year-old on the head, "I literally just told you, Melissa."

"I know! But it's a great story!"

I smiled happily, "If you say so, Sweetie."


Again, sorry it's late.

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