Day 12 - Clemont

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Prompt: Thanks to my friend for giving me the idea (I chose to do Clemont) but le friend gave me the plot idea - I am changing it slightly tho

Type of oneshot: Fluff

Reader's Relations: Best friends with Clemont for a few years (the first time they met, as like with every other girl, Bonnie tried to get Reader-Chan to marry Clemont)

Reader's Home Region: Kalos

Warnings: None

Other notes: Thanks again to le friend for giving me the plot idea


"Clem, are you sure this is going to work?"

"Trust me, (Y/n). This one will work. It'll help get your stamina and speed up and you'll have fun at the same time."

I sighed, "Okay, but I'm holding you accountable if I get hurt."

"You won't though, I promise you."


I had been sceptical to believe him after seeing several of his other experiments and inventions blow up when he tried to get them to work. He'd now invented a snowball machine that would take snow from the surrounding area and make it into snowballs before throwing them out.


It had been going relatively smoothly, thankfully nothing had blown up yet, when I asked him to make it go a bit faster (he'd been slowly increasing the speed). However this was a bad idea. Although, it wasn't actually Clemont's fault, because the machine was random, but I got hit directly in the face with one of the snowballs. Due to the impact, I fell flat on my back. Clemont immediately shut off the machine and dashed over, "(Y/n), are you okay?"

I nodded and let him help me up, however, I wasn't actually and ended up falling into him, the impact causing up both to fall in the snow. I giggled and rolled off him, "You okay?"

He nodded and looked into his eyes, admiration in my eyes, as well as love. I'd had a crush on him since I'd first met him after his little sister, Bonnie had found me and the first thing she said being, "Please take care of my big brother!" But, back to the point, as I continued looking at him, I felt my face heating up.

"(Y/n), can I kiss you?"

I was shocked at this. Usually, Clemont wasn't so bold and blunt about anything like this. I giggled and nodded, climbing on top of him and kissing him, surprising him.

"YAY!!!!!" I immediately jumped off of Clemont at the sound of Bonnie's voice and wiped the snow off of me.

"Bonnie! Did you run off from Ash and Serena?" She looked down at her feet, "I'm sorry Clemont! I didn't want to miss anything that happened between you and (Y/n)! You need someone to take care of you!"

"BONNIE! There you are!" I turned from looking at Clemont and Bonnie to see Ash and Serena running up, both of them out of breath. Serena was the first to speak, "We're sorry, Clemont. She ran away from us."

"Bonnie, that was very naughty, apologise to Ash and Serena."

Instead of apologising, like Clemont had told her to, she hopped up to me, "You kissed him! That means you have to marry him!"

----------------END OF ONESHOT

Sorry this is shorter than the others, but I was kinda stuck for ideas......

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