Day 14 - Romano

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Idea suggested by: platonic_jesus


"Hey-a, (Y/n)."

"Yes, Lovi?"

"Do you-a want to go out tonight? I-a mean just the-a two of us?" he asked, his face turning the colour of a tomato.

I smiled, "I'd love to, Lovi. That would be wonderful."

"I'll-a pay for-a everything, Bella. It is-a Christmas after all-a."

"Thank you, Lovi," I replied, pecking his cheek. This resulted in his face going even redder, "Bella, I-a told you-a to-a stop that!"

"I know, but it's fun. Also, you look like a tomato, Lovi."


I walked down the stairs, in the red and white coloured dress that I'd bought for the night, of the house that I shared with the Italian brothers since I'd started dating Lovino to see said Italian looking fancy and dressed up in a suit, "Are you-a ready to-a go, Bella?"

I nodded and smiled at him, pecking his cheek again, "Love ya, Lovi."

"I-a love you too, Bella."

I smiled and he took my arm, leading me outside to his car. Feliciano was out doing something, probably with Ludwig, or at least that's what he'd said when he left about five minutes before we did.

I got in the passenger side and Lovino got in the driver's side. We buckled in and he started driving.

"Lovi, where are we going tonight?"

"Well, Bella, there's a restaurant that I know of that does a Christmas special, so I-a thought we-a could go there."

"That sounds wonderful, Lovi. I love you."


All throughout the night, I noticed Lovino was fiddling with something in his pocket, but it wasn't until after we'd finished eating that I brought it up, "Lovi, is something wrong? You've been fiddling with something in your pocket all night."

"I'm-a fine, Bella. I-a do have a question for you though-a."

"Fire away, Lovi, fire away. You know you can ask me anything," I replied smiling at him.

He took a deep breath, "(Y/n), I-a love you-a so much and I-a was wondering," he paused and stood up, walking around to my side of the table, "whether you'd marry me?" he finished, getting down on one knee in front of me, pulling out a ring from his pocket.

I smiled widely, "Yes! Of course, I will!"

Lovino stood up and placed the ring on my finger, smiling, "I-a love you, Bella."

"I love you too, Lovi."

"Congratulations, Fratello! You finally asked her!" I turned around and moved out the way just in time for Feliciano to run up to us. He tackled Lovino in a hug, knocking him to the ground, "I'm-a happy that you're-a happy, Fratello!"

"Will you get off of me, you bastard!?"

Feli shot off of him and tackled me in a hug, "Yay! Bella, I'm-a glad you-a said yes! Now I-a get to-a have a Sorella!"

I giggled, "Yeah, I guess so, Feli, would you mind getting off of me though?" He smiled and hopped off of me before running out the door. Lovino slammed some money down on the table before running out after him, chasing him, "Get back-a her, you Bastardo!"

I giggled and ran off after them, happy that Lovino asked me to marry him, That's going to make telling Artie that he's going to be an uncle a lot easier.

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