Day 10 - England

7 1 1

Idea Credit: I dunno anymore.....

Fandom: Hetalia

Reader's Relations: None

Warnings: None

Other Notes: None that I can think of


"Alfred, I told you I didn't want to be here!" squeaked out, to the American who was dragging me to his house, "I don't do 'big celebrations'."

"Aww, come on, Dudette! It'll be fun. Plus, Iggy's gonna be there!" I felt my face heat up at the fact he knew of my crush on the Brit and reluctantly agreed.

A few hours later, literally, the whole world was in Alfred's house, and I, being my shy self, was just sitting in a corner trying to avoid everyone. That was until I felt a tap on my arm, "Hello, Love."

"O-Oh, hi Arthur. Did you need something?"

He shook his head, "No, I just wanted to talk." I smiled and the two of us had a chat for a while until I was snatched away by Francis, "Cherie, your presence is required over here." I rolled my eyes and followed him until he told me to stop in a doorway. A few minutes later, Arthur approached me, "Hello again, Love."

I giggled, "Hello to you too Arthur... again. Any idea why we have to stand under a doorway to talk?" He shook his head, "Unfortunately not, Love."

Before we could continue, there was an interruption, "Yo, Dudette! Look up!"

I rolled my eyes at Alfred and looked up, my face going bright red, "A-Arthur, look up." He did so too and pink started to dust his cheek, "Y-you don't have to kiss me if you do-" I mustered up some courage and shut him up by kissing him. When he didn't respond, just standing there with wide eyes, I broke off immediately, "I-I'm sorry. It's just I thought this was Alfred's plan, because he knows about my crush on you an-" I stopped talking when he placed a finger on my lips, "(Y/n), I was just shocked that you did that. I know you're shy and I just wasn't expecting that from you. To be honest I knew of your crush on me before this because Alfred told me, but Love. It would make my Christmas if you became my girlfriend." I smiled widely and pounced on him, kissing him, "Of course!"


I immediately looked up to see Kiku with a camera, a small smile on his face and glared at him, "I'rr just be going now."


Sorry it's short..... I am tired... but I feel like writing more so I might try get today's written as well so I'm all caught up... then again, I wanna draw.... Ima draw now.

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