Day 5 - Athena Cykes

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Fandom: Ace Attorney

Prompt: "It's bold of you to assume I haven't eaten my entire advent calendar."

Reader's Relations: None

Other Notes: Sorry I didn't post one yesterday, I didn't have any ideas and by the time I got around to when I would normally write them (before I got to sleep) it was already late, so I just wanted to sleep, but I will try to write two today.



"Yes, Athena?" I replied, turning to face her, and looking up from the case file I was reading through.

"Why are advent calendar chocolates so small?" She wined, sitting down next to me on the sofa in the agency, stretching herself over my lap, causing me to giggle, as I started to stroke my fingers through her hair gently, "I don't know, Athena, but I'll have a bet it's because they're meant for small children, and said children normally want to open them before breakfast and chocolate isn't a good breakfast food."

"But chocolate's so good! Why can't they be bigger?"

"You'll just have to put up with it, Athena. There's nothing I can do about it, did you remember to open today's door?"

"Of course. It's bold of you to assume I haven't eaten the entire thing already."

I giggled to myself, "How did I guess you already did that? And before you ask, no you're not getting any of mine!"

"You're my favourite person, (Y/n)!"

I rolled my eyes again, feeling my face turn slightly pink as I chuckled trying to conceal it, knowing she was just trying to butter me up to get my chocolate, "That isn't going to work, Athena. You're not going to get any of mine, no matter how much you try to butter me up."

"That's not what I was trying to do!"

"Sure... I don't believe you, Athena."

"Oh come on!"

My head shot up immediately at the outburst from Trucy, causing her to squeak, "Polly, look at this scene again and tell me they're not dating!"

My face turned bright red at the statement from Trucy as Apollo turned to look as well, "Trucy, if they were dating I'm sure we'd know by now. Athena's just being herself."


"Hmph. Well then, I'm sure Daddy agrees with me."

"Unfortunately, Trucy, I'm with Apollo on this. We'd all know if (Y/n) and Athena were dating."

"But just look at the scene! The fact that Athena is letting (Y/n) rake her hands through her hair is proof enough! Athena's expressed several times before that she doesn't like anyone touching her hair, yet she's not protesting to (Y/n) raking her hands through it!" Trucy spoke out, sitting down.

I was still trying to get rid of the blush on my face when I quickly removed my fingers from Athena's hair, "Trucy, please stop. You can't force two people to be dating by just willing it into existence. Especially when you don't even know how they feel about each other, or if they're dating other people."


"(Y/n)! Take this off my head now!" Athena protested as I refused to untie the blindfold from over her eyes.

"Nope! It'll ruin the surprise if I do!" I replied as I booped her on the nose, sitting down on the sofa opposite her, taking out my guitar that I'd been gifted as a birthday present, before giving a nod to Trucy who bounced over and removed the blindfold from Athena's head as I started singing, "We're far apart, in every way, but you're the best part of my day and sure as I breathe the air, I know we are the perfect pear. On a prickly path that goes on for miles, but it's worth it just to see you smile and I cannot be pulled apart from the hold you have on my heart and even if the world tells us it's wrong, you're in my head like a catchy song. The seasons change, and leaves may fall, but I'll be with you through them all and rain or shine, you'll always be mine. On a prickly path that goes on for miles. You're the only one who makes it all worthwhile and you should not blame me too, if I can't help fallin' in love with you," as I finished singing, I felt my face turn bright red and I looked up at Athena to see her face the same colour, but before I could say anything, she'd pounced on me and kissed me. I blinked, not expecting her to feel the same, but I wrapped my arms around her, kissing back before breaking off when I remembered the others in the Agency.

"Polly, you owe me!"

"What?! Oh come on, Trucy, that's not fair, you knew they liked each other. You were the one who orchestrated this whole confession!"

"You still lost the bet, Polly, hand over the money!" Trucy persisted, holding out her hands towards Apollo. At this point I was too busy laughing at Apollo's face to get mad at the two of them for betting on mine and Athena's relationship, as Apollo begrudgingly took out a note, placing it in Trucy's hands. She pocketed it and smirked, looking back at me and Athena, "Oh yeah, I bet Polly that you two would be together by the end of the year, and looks like I won by a week."

—------------------END OF ONESHOT

Again, sorry for not posting yesterday, but I'll get today's written as well before I go to sleep.

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