Day 11 - America

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Day 11. So, this was supposed to be China but I thought of one for America so I am going to write this one first. Also, there may be some feels in this.

------------------AMERICA'S POV

"I'm sorry, Mr Jones, but there's nothing we can do. We need the bed."

"But please!? I know she'll wake up! You have to wait a bit longer! Please!" I cried. The doctor shook his head, "I'm sorry but she's been in this coma for years."

I just turned around and ran out of the hospital, crying. Why, (Y/n)? Why did I ever convince you to come with me? When I got home, I ran upstairs and curled up on the bed, sobbing.


I apparently managed to cry myself to sleep as I was woken up by my phone going off. I sighed to myself and picked up, "Hello?"


"Sup, Dude. What do you mean?"

"The meeting?! Where are you?!"

I gulped, I'd completely forgotten about the meeting, "Hmm. Sorry. Slipped my mind."

"What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm great. Just great," I replied, sighing.

"What is wrong?!"

Instead of answering, I hung up, not wanting to tell him what was wrong. I curled back up on the bed and continued my sleep.

--------------YOUR POV - 23rd December

I woke up to see bright lights, "Where?"

"Oh, you're awake."

"What happened?" I asked, slightly confused. The doctor sighed and explained everything to me. Once she'd explained it I spoke up, "Oh. Do you know where Alfred is? I want to see him."

"A few weeks ago, he was here and was told that it was time to pull the plug on you. He then ran out of the room and presumably the hospital in tears."

"O-Oh. When will I be allowed to leave?" I piped up.

"I can let you go tomorrow, but you'll need to come back in a few weeks to see how you're doing."

"Okay, that makes sense."

The doctor nodded before leaving the room. I smiled and noticed my bag sitting on the chair next to the bed. I smiled and reached over to it, grabbing my phone and dailing one number, "Gil? I need your help with something."

--------------AMERICA'S POV

"Alfred, are jou in zere?"

"What is it, Dude? I'm busy moping," I replied, my voice muffled from my pillow and my voice slightly hoarse.

"Come on, jou can't mope forever."

"Yes, I can and I will."

That did it, Gilbert barged in my room and dragged me downstairs, "Let me go, Dude!"

"No can do, Alfred. Jou need to do somezing. It's Christmas."

I just pouted and rolled my eyes, "Fine, but don't expect me to have fun." He nodded and plonked me down on the sofa.

"Wow, Alfred, you're out of your room. Well done."

"Hm," I responded, turning on my side and leaning my head on the back of the sofa. I sighed to myself and started to ignore everyone. That was until something was brought to my intention, "Alfred, what's this?"

I looked up and shot up from my position on the sofa and grabbed the tiny black velvet box out of Francis' hand before throwing it accroos the room, "It doesn't matter! She's gone now anyway!" before going back to the sofa and crying again. I then heard the doorbell go off, but I ignored it, not wanting to deal with it now until something else caught my interest, "Alfred, zat's for jou. Jou should go and open it."

I sighed and stood up, wiping my face before walking to the door, not noting Gilbert walking accross the living room to where I'd thrown the box. I opened the door and my eyes immediately widened.

"Hey, Alfie."

I felt tears coming to my eyes, "(Y/n)?! Is it really you?"

She nodded, "Yes, it's me, Alfie."

I smiled widely before pouncing on her and kissing her, "I missed you Dudette! But, how? The doctor told me they needed to pull the plug on you."

"Well, lucky for you, I woke up before they could do that, Alfie."

"Yo, Alfred, need this?" I turned around to see Gilbert, standing, smirking and holding the box, "Or do jou not anymore?"

I ran over and grabbed it before walking back to (Y/n) and pulling her into the living room, closing the door. I took a deep breath before getting down on one knee, "(Y/n), I love you so much and these past few years, I haven't moved on. I love you so much, Dudette, so, will you marry me?" I opened my eyes, as I'd closed them previously to see her tearing up.

"Yes!" she eventually blurted out. I stood up and breathed a sigh of relief before placing the ring on her finger and kissing her.

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