Day 6 - Cilan

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Idea Credit: Thanks Ita!

Fandom: Pokémon

Reader's Relations: Cilan's girlfriend and Serena's sister (you moved to Unova after getting permission from yours and Serena's mum)

Warnings: None that I can think of

Other Notes: Sorry this wasn't out yesterday I just didn't feel like writing when I got home after college....


I sighed as I lay on the sofa in my house, thinking. I had been like this for the last two hours and I was supposed to go over to the triplets' house in half an hour to celebrate Christmas and I still didn't have a gift idea for Cilan. I had got things for Chili and Cress which were handmade plushies of Pansear and Panpour, as well as specially made Poképuffs for the three monkeys themselves, but I wanted to get something special for Cilan. Due to that as well as it being Christmas, it was also the 1st anniversary of when we started dating as the previous year he'd asked me out on Christmas Day, and I wanted to make it really really special.


I looked down at my partner Pokémon, who had my hat on her head, causing me to giggle, "Do you have any ideas, Espeon?" I asked, taking the hat off her head and putting it on, sitting up in the process, "I can't go over without anything for him."

Espeon just tilted her head at me before running off, causing me to sigh. I lied back down on the sofa thinking again. That was until I felt Espeon jump back on top of me, levitating a bow tie and bracelet with her psychic powers. She placed the down in my lap and curled up in a ball next to me. I smiled and picked them up, the bowtie sparking something in my memory along with the bracelet, "Espeon, thank you so much! I'd forgotten about these." The bowtie had been something I'd got handmade from a tailor in Kalos that I knew before I moved to Unova and was going to be Cilan's birthday present, but it was late arriving so I wasn't able to give it to him on time, and the bracelet I'd completely forgotten about was also part of his birthday present, but it wasn't quite finished, so I had to think of something quickly for it, which I did thankfully. So, instead, they were going to be his Christmas present as I'd now finished the bracelet that was green and cream, with a small little Espeon head charm on, and finished mine too, as they were matching but mine was lilac and blue, with a small Pansage head charm on, showing even apart we were still connected. I quickly wrapped up the two items, slipping a small extra thing into it as well, and put my shoes on calling Espeon, who had managed to get her little Santa hat on while I was wrapping up Cilan's gift. I grabbed the three boxes, and left the house, locking the door with Espeon following, levitating the three boxes of Poképuffs that Serena had brought for me on her last visit, for the three elemental monkeys.


By the time I was standing outside their house, I was panting. Before I could knock though, the door was opened and all I could see was a smidge of red hair, "(Y/n)! You made it!" I giggled, "Yeah, I did. Sorry if I'm a bit late."

"You're not don't worry, here let me take those for you."

I smiled and thanked the blunette, stretching my arms before entering the house where I soon found Cilan sitting on the sofa with Pansage on his lap, the grass-type monkey patting him on the shoulder. Pansage soon noticed I'd entered the room and started furiously tapping Cilan, trying to get his attention. I smiled and walked over wrapping my arms around him, "Hello."

"(Y/n)! Y-you scared me."

"Is that really the best way to greet your girlfriend, Cilan?" I asked, jumping over the back on the sofa and snuggling into his side, "I missed you."

It was then that I heard something that I hoped Cilan hadn't, "Will those two hurry up and get married already?" I felt my face go red and I dug myself into Cilan's side more to hide it. Hearing that made me remember the extra little gift I'd put in Cilan's present and I got really nervous again.


"so, these two are for you two. I-I hope you like them," I smiled, handing Cress and Chili their gifts while Espeon used psychic to lift the boxes of Poképuffs for the elemental monkeys over to them. Once Chili and Cress and opened their presents, the redhead jumped on me, "Thank you! (Y/n)! I love it!" I smiled and patted his back, giggling, "You're welcome, Chili. Glad you like it."

"Chili, please get off my girlfriend," Cilan spoke prying me away from Chili and pulling me to his side.

"Chillax, Cilan! I'm not going to steal her from you! Seriously, I ship this too hard to do that."

I giggled and took a deep breath, "Cilan, now I can give you your gift." I took the final box from the table and handed it to him, "Here." He opened it and smiled at me, taking out the Pansage plushie, cause I didn't want to leave him out, and pecked my cheek, causing me to flush red, "Thank you."

"T-there's more, Cilan."

I took a deep breath and took the small box containing the bowtie and bracelet, as well as the hidden surprise I'd wrapped, out of my bag and handed it to him, "Here. I-I hope you like it." I bit my bottom lip in anticipation as he unwrapped it, smiling as he took the sparkling green bowtie out, "I love it, (Y/n). Did you make this?"

I shook my head, "No, I wish I had, but I got it from a tailor I know in Kalos. Serena picked it up for me and brought it on her last visit, but the other thing, I did make." He smiled and returned his attention to the box, finding the bracelet, "It's amazing, (Y/n). Thank you." He leaned over and kissed me on the lips, causing my face to go the colour of Chili's hair and grab Espeon to cover my face up, who immediately got out of my grasp and jumped onto the floor, opting to go and sit beside Pansage, nuzzling into the grass-type monkey. I smiled, "Glad you think so, and look, I have a matching one!" I pulled up my sleeve to reveal my half of the bracelet duo, my smile widening as Cilan put his on. He kissed me again, this time causing the box to fall off his lap and for the final surprise to fall out. It caught his attention, hitting his foot, and he bent down picking up the small box and looking at me in confusion. I froze and panicked, standing up and running out the room, well, I tried to but just as I got through the door, I felt a hand grasp my waist, "(Y/n), is this-?"

"Listen, Cilan, I'm sorry. I know we've only been dating for a year, but Serena dared me to and, I understand if you say no, I just-" I shut myself up when Cilan placed a hand on my cheek, "(Y/n), who said I was saying no?" Before I could answer, he had pinned me against the wall and kissed me, "I'd love to marry you." I felt a massive weight lift off my shoulders and I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck, "You have no idea how happy that makes me, Cilan."

------------------BONUS ENDING

"Serena... we need to go dress shopping."

"Ooh! Finally! Wait, why?"

I rolled my eyes despite knowing she couldn't see me, "You're really going to make me say it aren't you? I need your help picking out a wedding dress, Serena."

I heard a squeal from the other end of the phone and, "I'm fine, Mum! Just (Y/N) IS GETTING MARRIED!" before she turned her attention back to me, "See! I knew he'd say yes, (Y/n)! This is why you have to trust me!"

"I'm older than you remember, Serena!" I replied, "Anyway I gotta go. I'll text you with more details when there are some, bye!"


Again, sorry this wasn't out yesterday.... 

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