Day 9 - Chili

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Idea Credit: Me

Fandom: Pokémon

Reader's Relations: Chili's girlfriend

Warnings: Mentions of abortion and abuse

Other Notes: Takes place a few years after B2W2


I took a deep breath, a smile on my face as I sat on the sofa in the house I shared with my parents, "Mum, Dad, I have one final surprise for you."

"What is it, Honey? You know you can tell us anything."

"I know... I-I'm pregnant."

My mother's face turned from loving to rage immediately, "Get out!" I looked at her in surprise, "W-what?! You can't be serious, Mum!"

"I am, get out! I told you I didn't want to see any grandchildren until you and that boy were married!" I turned to my father to see him avoiding eye contact, causing the tears to come to my eyes and I turned around, leaving the two jumpers I'd hand-made for them that was wrapped up on the sofa and ran out tof he house, not bothering to change into my shoes and ran straight to the one place I knew I could go. The minute the door was opened, I flung myself onto whoever opened it, not caring which of the three of them it was, but judging by the mass amount of green in the outfit, I guessed it was Cilan, and I was proven correct, "Chili, your girlfriend's here crying!" Within a minute I was sitting on the sofa, crying into Chili's shoulder with his arm wrapped around me, comforting me. After a few minutes, I'd calmed down enough to talk, "I-I'm sorry I came unannounced-."

"Whoa whoa, don't you start with that. (Y/n), you're always welcome here, no matter what time of day. Now, what happened?" Chili asked, placing his free hand on my cheek, getting me to look up at him, "Come on, tell me. I don't care if it's Christmas Day, you're more important to me than that."

I snivelled and nodded, "I-I was going to tell my parents that I w-was pregnant as I thought it was a good surprise for Christmas, but once I told them my mother kicked me out." I felt shuffling beside me and I felt Chili's presence leave my side, "Cilan take care of (Y/n), Cress come with me. We need to have a 'chat' with (Y/n)'s parents." However, I stopped him before he could get out the door, "Chili, don't. I know what you're like when you're angry, I don't want to see my parents in the hospital!"

"(Y/n), they just kicked you out! They deserve to be in the hospital! Also, that's why I'm bringing Cress, to stop me from doing anything rash. Now come on, we need to go."


Half an hour later, Chili and Cress returned, the former with a bruise on his cheek, causing me to gasp and rush over to him, "Chili! I told you NOT to do this! I don't like seeing you hurt!"

"They got what they deserved in my opinion," Chili responded, "Plus, it doesn't hurt." I glared at him and he conceded, "Much."

I rolled my eyes, "Chili, I'm so sorry they did this to you, but it makes me happy to see that you're protective of me. Is there something I can do to repay you?"

"Now," He paused and pulled me onto his lap on the sofa, nuzzling his face into the back of my neck, "Normally, I would say 'there's nothing. (Y/n), I love you so much I'd do anything to help you.' but this time, there is one thing," He paused and took a deep breath, "Marry me?" I audibly gasped as tears started again, but this time, they were happy tears as I nodded, "Yes!" He smiled and hugged me from behind, "best Christmas present ever."


I am so so so sorry I am behind with them... I'm going to write another now and then write two tomorrow to catch up.

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