Day 1 - James Potter

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Fandom: Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts
Prompt: She hates Christmas Day with her parents as all they ever talk about is how she is single and childless. Except this year they've invited the neighbours. (I don't remember where I got the prompt from)
Timing: Marauders' Era (6th Year)
Reader's Relations: None
Reader's House: Not Applicable
Other Notes: The reader is a pure-blood. You've also never interacted with James or his friends before.
"(Y/n), you need to find yourself a boyfriend! You're 16, by that age I was already engaged to your father!"
I inwardly sighed, as I'd had to put up with this since I turned thirteen, whenever my mother got an opportunity, which was very often whilst I was at home, she would always chastise me about not having a boyfriend or anything, wanting me to get married the minute I finished school
"Mum, please! I don't want to rush into a marriage! I don't care what age you and Father got married at, I'll get married at my own pace and when I do it will NOT be for status or whatever, it will be for love," I replied, as she continued to tie my dress around my waist.
"(Y/n)! You do not speak to me like that. You need to carry on our family, you are our only daughter, so it is my responsibility to make sure you marry a nice, pure-blooded man so you carry on the (L/n) legacy!"
I sighed, knowing not to retort back and let her finish the final details of my outfit before she spoke again, "Now, I know the Potters have a boy about your age, I've invited them over for lunch, I expect you to get to know James and well, if all goes well, we should hear wedding bells once you've finished school!"
"Yes, Mother," I spoke in defeat, knowing there was no way I would get out of it as I heard the doorbell ring. My mother jolted up and ran downstairs, leaving me to give my Norwegian Forest cat, who surprisingly, my mother had let me name Lucas (Let me know if you get the reference), a pat on the head before following her downstairs. When I got to the bottom, I spotted my mother talking to who I guessed were the Potters in the living room.
"(Y/n)! There you are. Come here now, I need to introduce you!"
I sighed and walked over, putting on a fake smile as my mother introduced me, however, that smile became real when I locked eyes with James. My mother hadn't told me he was so handsome and I hadn't realised I was staring until he was waving a hand in front of my face, "Hello? Miss (L/n)?"
I snapped from my daze, "Sorry, I was just thinking about something, it's wonderful to meet you."
"Same to you."
"(Y/n), why don't you show James around? It will give you two time to get to know each other."
I nodded, "Yes, Mother," before turning back to James, "Shall we?" he smiled at me and we walked out of the room. I showed him around where things were inside the hose before walking outside where we sat down on a bench in the garden.
"I hate this. My mother's trying to marry me off. Not that you're not a great guy or anything, it's just I want to marry for love, but my mother won't see that. Like is it too much to ask?"
"I get what you mean, (Y/n). Honestly, I'm being forced into this too but my parents have told me I should marry for love."
"What are you doing here then? Is my mother blackmailing your parents or something?"
"No! To be honest I wanted to get a chance to know you. I've heard your name floating around at Hogwarts, and I wanted to get to know you."
James nodded before responding, "Really, and now that I've seen you in person, well... I'm not sure how to say this.."
"Just be blunt, James. Like a plaster, just rip it off and tell me what you want to say."
He nodded, muttering an 'okay' before returning to his normal speaking voice, "I think I might be in love with you."
I gasped, not expecting him to say that and smiled, "Wow, that's not what I was expecting you to say, but to be honest, I think I'll need more time to sort out my feelings. I know my mother is going to force us to get married anyway, but I want to let my love life happen in its own time."
"Fair enough."
"But, can you do me one favour until I sort this out? Please don't mention to anyone that my mother is going to force us to get married."
"James, can I talk to you please?" I asked, managing to find him and his friends in a hallway shortly after breakfast one day.
"Oh hello there gorgeous."
I rolled my eyes at Sirius' comment and looked James in the eye biting my lip. He soon nodded and I smiled, grabbing his arm and dragging him off away from his friends. Once we were alone, I stopped and caught my breath, "So, about what is inevitable for us in the future..." He nodded and I took a deep breath, "I'm not too fussed about it anymore," I continued, leaning up and kissing him, "Merry Christmas, James." I giggled seeing his bright red face and stood away before turning around and going to walk off, leaving him in a state of shock, but I felt a hand around my wrist and James pulled me back into him, "I take it that means you've 'figured out your feelings' then?" I nodded, "Yeah, I love you, James."
"That makes me happy to hear."
-----------------------------------END OF ONESHOT
Day 9 done! Fun fact, this was the first one written on the 5-6th of November (took me two days)

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