Memories Pt-5

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Yvonne's Story
 Blood Bound
Memories Part Five

{ Yvonne 16 Years Old }

"Are you sneaking out?" Ryder asked as he'd walked into the study and caught me opening the window.

I could see Maddox waiting for me and my heart raced.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my baby brother and hate that I rarely get to see him...but his timing couldn't be worse.

"Don't tell dad." I said.

"What...he's gonna kill you Vonnie."

I shook my head, "I do this all the time Ry, just relax and go back to whatever you were doing and pretend like you didn't see anything."

"I can't lie to Dad if he asks where you are."

A pang of hurt ran through me.

Every since Mom had passed away Dad hadn't been the same. I know he loves all of us, but his attention was usually on work now.

"If he asks...he won't, but if he does then just tell him the walked in and caught me sneaking don't know where I'm going or who I'm meeting so you'll be good, and if worse comes to worse all he'll do is send out the pack guard to find me and I'll be grounded."

"I don't want you to be grounded..." He said with worry.

"I won't, I promise." I said before I walked over to him and hugged him, "Don't worry, I'll be okay...just don't lock the windows or anything."

He smiled. "I should."

He left the study, closing the door silently behind him and I finally went through with my escape.

"Everything okay?" Maddox asked as I reached him.

Concern filled his handsome face and I reached out to touch his cheek. "Got caught sneaking I don't want to linger."

He nodded his understanding before taking my hand and leading me away to the woods.

My dad and and the guard ran patrols the night before so we knew security would be lighter tonight, mostly a few of the guard monitoring the on nights like this Maddox and I stuck to the woods.

I didn't mind... not when he'd personally cleared out a spot specifically for us.

We followed the trees with our markings that led us to the clearing.

As I walked into the open space I smiled. I always imagined that if an aerial shot were taken of the clearing it'd look a little like a crescent moon.

It's easy to imagine the clearing as a circle initally but Maddox had cleared a bunch of saplings on one half of the clearing and tapered off on either end of the other side, but right in the center of the other half were a grouping of very mature trees too tall and wide to cut down, so those that still stood gave it that unique crescent shape

I watched as he removed his backpack and began pulling out a quilt for us to lay on.

I moved to help him and he smiled at me, "So am I a dead man walking?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Why would you ask that?"

"You said you got caught sneaking out...the fact that you're here right now means it wasn't your dad...But Max on the other hand would let you come out as a final sort of hurrah then try and kick my ass tomorrow."

I smirked. "It was neither one of them...Ryder caught me going to open the window...and he was more worried I'd get in trouble if Dad found out than trying to snitch on me."

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