Uncompatible Love*Jacob Black Love Story*

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A/n - I wrote the first 40 or so chapters years ago back in 2011. This story is several years in the making and has taken lots of hiatuses. To the fans of this book, thank you for sticking around and hanging in there. There were people from Quizilla who kept wanting to know when I would continue this book, and I am SO sorry for the delay. I intend to proofread what I've already written in hopes that I can recollect the direction this story was going. THANKFULLY... high school me was very old school and meticulous so I had brain stormed and mapped out what I wanted from this book. I found those old notebooks and here we are again! The character description page will remain as is since I don't even know where to being with that, to be quite honest. I don't want to further alter reader's idea of Violette. And yes, the misspelled title IS intentional. ^_^

Name: Violette Elizabeth Mason Cullen (Kinda long huh? Try saying that 5 times really fast^-^)

height: smaller than Bella, yet taller than Alice. about 5'3"

Eyes: Green most of the time

Appearance: Light brown/blonde Hair that lead to mid back.(Kinda like Edward just longer and less messy. She likes having it in a ponytail mostly.

age: looks 16

*You'll see that things about her will change as the story's plot begins to come along, but you'll see why, I just don't want to ruin the surprise kay?*

species: TBA

personality: Caring, Sweet, Motherly, Over-Protective, Sensitive, Kind of girly/kind of tomboyish (she's in between). Hates seeing people cry. Hates who she is...or what she is. Hates it when others are called "monsters" hates it when her brothers/sisters think badly of what they are. Is very curious of everything (you've herd of curiosity killed the cat...well this girl is the perfect example) She hates being told what to do, but will listen to the right people. Loves her adoptive family. She's very different from her kind. Very humanly.

other: She has the tips of her bangs that go across her forehead dyed purple because Violette is French for well...purple. She has a certain...trait that makes her special..... Her "real" father is unknown. Loves to hang out a lot with Geneveve

Name: Geneveve (Jeh-neh-vee-v) Portura (Poe_tu_a the r's are basically silent) eyes: honey colored, black when hungry

hair: dirty blond

power: Teleporting to places she's been or seen before (kind of like from the movie "jumper")

species: vampire

eats: animal blood

other: Likes hanging out with Violette, but hates how much trouble she always gets them into because of her wondering curiosity and mind.

Uncompatible Love*Jacob Black Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now