lesson learned

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            I as Awa , i have learned my first two lessons before this year Twenty twenty ended , i hope to share them with everyone .
      A hug my seam as something small , but it could be the biggest comfort to someone , may help someone not end there lives, feel loved or worth , may help them get through the day or even week , so next time someone needs a hug , give it to them , you can never know the battles being fought behind their smiles. 👥

          All emotions are valid to be felt , happy , sad , .....i can not finish all emotions but its okay , feel them , embrace them and own them . And cause only then we can get over the pain we have felt for us to have those sad emotions . Even when they are good emotions , feel them , display them cause Gods only knows how long they are to last or how it will take to feel that good again.
Our emotions and how we behave may not make sense to the rest of people around us but its still okay to feel them and get over them .
         Pain numbed inside creates wounds and scars we can never get over , even we they seam like its gone or not felt , it comes back and hits hard  .
        Yet when you allow  yourself feel the pain , only memories and the remains of that pain get stuck with us which don't hurt the some way .

*** as someone is going through all the kinds of emotions , don't judge , don't stop them let them be till you here their story , no one knows the battles they have fought .

   Thank you , so much for reading , hoping these lessons get on with you as well. I love you

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