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Andrew remained broken standing looking at the empty stairs .
Jordy , Emma and Miss Ann silently looking at him . They had seen the both of them from the start to now especially miss Ann who knows both their pains right from child mostly for Andrew .
She walked close to him as Jordy and Emma walked past him .
              " Andrew......" She softly called holding him in the back .
              " good night miss Ann " he quietly said then walked away .
He knows and they all know he is trying to change but he knows where she is coming from . He knows he has caused her much pain . miss Ann is there for him but talking about what is bothering him is not something he has done or he knows .

To his room , he laid on his bed trying to sleep but the memory of her pulling away in fear playing again and again in his head . He rotated around the bed burying his head in the pillows .
There was a door knock .
            " i would really appreciate it if you all left me alone " he said , he seamed so tired and frustrated with every thing . With a word the door was opened .
            " i said leave " Andrew said in frustration not wanting to move a single muscle or even know who it was . There was still no movement or a word from the one who entered . Andrew raised his head looking at the one in his room .
In a hurry and surprise he sat up looking at her , he would have a lot to say or ask but what was right to say now at this moment . She as well was standing in front of him but where to start from . They looked in each others eyes not saying a word for a while .
             " Am i bothering you right now" she calmly asked .
             " just surprised rather pleased to see you here " he replied calmly .
             " are you going to bed right away " she asked .
Andrew looked at her quietly forgetting to reply .
             " no , i have quite a lot of work to do " he finally replied .
She didn't say a word but walk up to his desk then began collecting all his files , together with the tab and the lap top putting in a pile . Andrew's lips pulled up in a smile as he looked at his beautiful wife . This was the first time she entered his room since she entered this their house
               " will you be able to carry them away with a broken arm " he asked . He knew she was trying to take away all that he was supposed to do so that he could sleep .
                " no , i suggest we swap rooms " she said .
Andrew smiled again and she smiled a bit .
                " i am sorry " he painfully said 
                " i know ..." She replied quietly  looking down at the files .
                " i also know that you trying , that's why i am here too " she said , gently and modestly she walked close to him . she stood in front of him reaching for his head . she slowly passed her fingers in his hair . His eyes full of admiration as they lingered on her face and her body .

                " you must be tired and exhausted , try to rest " she quietly said .
                " then keep me busy tonight " he gently said , directly looking into her eyes , his whole body enjoying the sensation of her caressing his head .   
She looked at him with a tiny smile .
                 " sleep with me here " he added .
                 "would love to " she said calmly .
Andrew smiled softly , she moved her fingers gently to his face feeling every inch in it .
                  " i don't mean to show fear Andrew ,  i just can't help my body reacting the way it does every time you seam angry or out of control " she softly said .
He remained silent listening , he believes what she says . 
                  " i guess its all my body knows" she added more like a whisper . Andrew smirked wickedly .
She couldn't help but smile a bit , wondering what he was thinking .
He raised his hands touching her hips , gently caressing them while going up .
                 " maybe we can change it " he smiled .
                 " i would like to show your body that there is more i can do to it than hurting it " he added softly .
He pulled her in towards him . Gently yet fast he lowered her down on the bed on her back him being on to of her only there heads inches away .
Her eyes locked into his , her body so relaxed giving in to whatever Andrew had to show her .
                 " i want to kiss all the pain away from every inch of your body " he said , his voice so low like a whisper .
Slow but sure he joined his lips onto hers . 
Valerie's fingers in his hair , one his hands  moving down to her leg gently lifting up her leg a bit , i he wanted she moved her leg spreading in a bit .
He comfortably laid in between her legs , their lips moving slow and passionately together , like as if they are designed to be one . Their bodies got more relaxed and yarning more than just a kiss.
One hand steadily supporting him a bit up to on lay on her broken arm while the other fully started to explore her body . His hand down to her inner thigh gently sliding up her silk night dress up . His fingers finally brushing her bare skin .

Valerie pulled out of the passionate kiss breathing out , both their breath fast , their eyes locked into another ones eyes .
Andrew breathed out heavily his expression changing a bit . it was only sadness displayed on his face
            " ther ......" Before he could finish what he was saying his phone began ringing .
Valerie didn't not hesitate removing it from the his trouser pocket .
They both locked at the screen and it was enough . Stephanie was calling .
Andrew removed it from her hand pressing it on the side silently ignoring her .
Valerie watched how disturbed he was , this brought a smile on her face .
              " there is nothing going on between me and Steph " he said . He does not know how many times he has say this to her , may be till she believes him
              " its still okay Andrew " she smiled .
              " we are no saints , just human" she said . Andrew gently sat up getting up her . She breathed out heavily resting her legs down and together .
               " i am still sorry for making you suspect me " he said
               " i am too , for Leon " she said
               " don't talk about him , he clearly knows what he is doing . He is after you " Andrew said .
His tone changed on talking about Leon . Valerie lowered her eyes from the ceiling looking down at Andrew .
              " he even made it clear to me that he wants you , i don't blame you " Andrew said . Valerie smiled a bit .
The silence filled the room again , Andrew carried up Valerie's legs resting them on his thighs , with fingers making small gentle circles on her skin . His eyes on her while her eyes closed enjoying the moment , the comfort and sensation from his fingers .
              " i am starting to hate your provoking " she suddenly said
              " pardon...." Andrew said
              " which one,  exactly " he asked again
              " the tiny sexual moments keep me yarning " she quietly said .
              " the feeling , the tingling , the electricity that passes through my whole body when your fingers touch my skin " she softly , sensually said
              " the kisses that arouse me ,  the fanning of your breath on my skin that's brings out the goosebumps , your firm , sensual grip of your hands that brings the excitement and fear at the some time ,your scent that fills my nose ,  your big bulge that makes me wet .All that keep me craving and my wild dreams activated " Valerie sexily said , her voice calm , soft . She breathed out on saying what was on her mind . 



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