Chapter 1

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Y/n Pov

It was around noon, and I was almost done with work, as I was finishing the last page on my computer. This past year has been tough for a lot of people I was one of the very few that got to keep their job. It was 2020 and covid had really done a number on a lot of people luckily for me, I didn't live in a big city with lots of people, I lived in a good-sized house for just me, in the middle of the woods. I enjoyed the quietness and the calmness of animal sounds. My thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at the door.

"God who would be at the door" I mumbled, while standing up to answer the door.

I unlocked the door and looked at who was there. I craned my neck to look at the person and it was none other than the post man.

" Package for Mrs. L/n" he questioned.

" that's me," I said raising an eyebrow "I don't remember getting anything" I thought.

He turned around heading back to his truck and came back with a box and handed it to me. I took the box and he left to go back to his truck and drive off, while I headed back inside closing the door setting the box on the kitchen table. Turning around to head to a cabinet with my box cutter in it. I turned back to the box and cut it open looking in the bow seeing all the packing peanuts and bubble wrap made me even more confused.

" What on earth did I buy" I said to myself while digging through the packaging.

I reached the item picking it up and setting it on the table, taking the box and setting it on the ground.

"And I will save you for later" I said taking the bubble wrap and taking it to my room to pop later.

While putting away the bubble wrap, I heard a soft buzzing sound like static coming from the kitchen. Walking back to the kitchen where the noise was coming from, I saw the radio and it seemed to be on. I walked in front of the radio looking at it trying to think how it turned on. Thinking it might have just been where it looked old, I just brushed it off and tried thinking about when I bought it. getting on my phone I went to look at all of my purchases and started scrolling. after about 2 minutes of searching, I found the radio i clicked on it and saw that I purchased it last month.

" Oh, now I remember why I got it." I said like it was obvious.

I looked at the radio and started to mess with the dials, when it changed to a station that I had never heard before. I was listening to the station and then there was a blood curdling scream which made me jump backwards tripping and falling. The screams started to drown out the music that was playing and then a radio like laugh faded into the radio. I scrambled to my feet running to the radio trying to turn it off, but it wouldn't turn off. as the screams and laughing got louder it felt like my head was going to explode. as the pain in my head increased, I shrunk to the ground trying to cover my ears from the sound. The noises got louder and louder making tears come down like a waterfall down my face. seconds turned into minutes and 1 minute turned into ten minutes. As I sat tears still streaming down my face because of the pain in my head, a voice started speaking.

" Hello and welcome to the evening broadcast, this is Alastor the radio demon speaking live. HAHA" The voice named Alastor said as the laughing died as soon as he started talking.

I was sat there for at least 2 hours just listening to the screams and Alastor laugh and talk. All oh my tears had run dry so all that was left was broken sobs. The radio was dead silent for a couple minutes giving me time to stand up and walk over to my cabinet of medicine for some Tylenol. I took the medicine for my head and the feeling of pain slowly faded away from my head. I turned and looked at the radio then there was a loud voice that boomed through the radio it was the voice of Alastor.

" That's all for today folks, oh it seems we have a new listener from the human world at that. HAHA" Alastor said.

As soon as he said that I froze staring at the radio. Then there was a big cut of static that flew through the radio.

" Yes, my dear I know you are listening." Alastor said in a sinister voice.

Then the radio turned off like nothing happened. I stood staring at the radio for what felt like hours but only a few seconds before running to my room and locking the door. I slid down your door

"what the hell was that" you said to yourself.

"That my dear was my broadcast" the sound sounded like it was coming from a radio, but that wasn't possible because it was in the kitchen.

"you know my dear it's not very lady like to ignore someone" the voice said with a chuckle.

I looked up very quickly and screamed. The radio had ended up on the nightstand by my bed.

"H-How did it get in my room" you mumbled to yourself. shaking like crazy.

"She can speak oh goodie" the radio spoke.

"Wh-who are you" I asked.

"Dear you know who I am you did listen to my broadcast" the radio stated.

"A-are you Alastor" I asked shaking like there was a earthquake happening.

"Bingo darling right you are hohaha" Alastor laughed.

"W-Why a-are you in my radio and how can you hear me?" You asked quietly

"Dear don't you know it's rude to not tell someone your name when they tell you yours" he said plainly

"S-sorry I didn't mean to. I-I'm Y-Y/n" I said quickly as to not anger him.

"Well Y/n as to answer your questions this is not your radio this is my radio. Also when you took my radio I had a connection to you dear" He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Where are you." I asked starting to get comfortable talking to Alastor

"My dear I'm a deaman so I'm in hell and it looks like I must go. " he stated.

"A-a demon!!" I yelled. " you can't just say that and then nothing after."

I sat there waiting for a respond but got nothing. Deciding he left I got up from the ground and headed to get ready for bed. While brushing out my H/c hair I couldn't help but have the feeling of being watched. Brushing it off I crawled into bed.

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