chapter 2

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While brushing out my H/c hair I couldn't help but have the feeling of being watched. Brushing it off I crawled into bed.

y/n pov

My eyes slowly fluttered open to the light streaming through my curtains. Yawning I sat up looking at my nightstand and noticing the radio was missing.

'Hmm, must have all just been a weird dream" I thought to myself.

Standing up I headed to the closet to grab some clothing. Then heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

Time skip to after shower

stepping out of the shower you got dressed in a Nike sweater, with white sweatpants, and white Nike shoes.

Something like the picture at the top.

walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, I looked over to start cooking when I noticed the radio by the stove.

"ah crap it wasn't a dream" I grumbled

looking at the radio I walked up to it to see if I could talk to Alastor. I hated to admit it but his voice was quiet lovely to hear. Standing Infront of the radio I stared at it waiting for it to talk. After a while of just staring at the radio I decided to tap on it.

" Mr. Alastor are you there or no" I said in the most polite tone I could use we don't want to anger a demon.

After I said that there was a surge of static that made, my ears feel like they were going to explode. And then there was that familiar charming voice.

"Hello dear Y/n" Alastor called out threw the radio.

"H-Hi Mr. Alastor" I stuttered out nervously.

" Why so scared and formal, dear? HAHA" he said in a amused tone.

" W-Well you are a demon and by the s-sound of your broadcast y-yesterday you can kill me in a heart beat Mr. Alastor" I said as I though of all the possible ways he could kill me. I felt a shiver run down my spine when he spoke again but this time it sounded very dark and distorted.

"Dear, if I wanted to hurt you..... I would have done so already" his voice cut in and out due to the static when he got to the end of his sentence making it even creepier. "No I wouldn't harm my new source of entertainment or at least not yet." He said going back to his cheerful tone.

"Entertainment?" I spoke out confused.

"Why yes dear Hell dose get quiet boring sometimes" he said in a bored tone." But anyways what are you doing my dear." his voice again sounding like a radio host.

" wait can you not see me through your radio?" I said getting a bit more comfortable with the demon.

"oh no dear I asked first so you answer my question first" Alastor spoke calmly.

"oh sorry, I was just abut to make some breakfast." I apologized.

"Well since you answered my question I suppose I can answer yours, sadly I can't see you through this radio I can only hear you dear" he answered." what breakfast are you making my dear"

"I'm just making some fluffy pancakes and eggs." I stated walking away to get the ingredients and pan to cook it.

"Ah yes the wonderful pancake and eggs a classic breakfast!" Alastor stated.

I turned around to walk into the other room to grab my apron to cook. I grabbed my apron and turned around to see the radio right behind me.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed startled

"Not quiet dear, HAHA" Alastor said amused

"How are you doing that, you can't see me right?" I questioned

"Yes dear but I can hear your footsteps fading to a different room so I decided to fallow you." he said "And as of how I am a powerful demon overlord darling." he stated in a cocky tone.


No one's pov

As Y/n continued to talk to Alastor threw the rest of the day, she began to feel like she was befriending the radio demon. She found out more about the demon and he found out more about her. She had finished cleaning her living when a thought peeked her mind.

"Hey Alastor, can you like show me what you look like somehow?" Y/n asked.

"I can dear but you must summon me into your home." Alastor said "And are you sure you really want a demon in your home."

Y/n thought about all the possibilities on what could happen if she let Alastor into her house. She was mostly worried about him harming her but she knew he wouldn't because of what he said at the begging of the day. She also began to trust him even though she was still cautious around him but who would blame her, she was dealing with a demon. Apparently her thoughts were taking to long for Alastor because she started hearing jeopardy them song music coming from the radio. Turning towards the radio she looked at it stupidly.

"Oh real mature Al." she stated sarcastically.

" Al that's a new one dear." Alastor said smugly.

"O-Oh sorry I didn't mean to call you that." you said quickly scared he was mad at the nickname.

"Nonono don't worry about it petite biche." Alastor said.

"petite biche? what dose that mean?" Y/n questioned

"It means little doe dear and you gave me a Nickname so I decided I should also call you something." Alastor Quipped.

"Oh ok, well I decided I'm going to summon you" Y/n quickly replied

"Well dear you must get the things to summon me with!" Alastor exclaimed. He what somewhat surprised about what you said.

"But I don't know how to summon something though" she said quietly.

" Well petite biche, you do have a expert on the topic so I can help." Alastor said excitedly.

"Ok well then what's the first step Al" she said heading to the couch in the living room with the radio behind her.

" well first you must..."



Boom done with the second chapter I'm going to try and get another chapter in today but I might not be able to. so it might be out tomorrow. thanks for reading my water drops.

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