Chapter 40

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"Yeah, Yeah it is." I said.

Y/n's pov

3 months have passed and Al said he wanted to go on a date before the baby shower tomorrow. I was getting ready for the date putting on a nice red and black dress and black flats, I stepped out of the bathroom seeing Al in a nice suit that was black with red pinstripes. I looked at him up and down with a blush at how hot he was, looking into his eyes they were glowing a soft red. I walked up to him toking his nose to snap him back to reality, as he shook his head his ears flopped back and forth which caused me to laugh.

"Well mister Lover are we ready to take our leave?" I asked kissing his cheek.

"Yes love and I have a surprise for tonight." He stated.

"Oh and what might that be?" I asked him.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it." He stated wrapping his arm around me leading me out to the lobby.

"No I geuss not, but I mean who can really classify a surprise." I replied.

"Hm good question Love but today I geuss me since I'm giving the surprise." He answered as we walked the streets of hell.

We continued walking until we got to a gorgeous restaurant, I looked up at him surprised that he was already looking at me.

"This place is so fancy wouldn't you need a reservation?" I asked.

"Yes Love and we have one no need to fret." He stated calmly.

We walked into the restaurant and it had chandeliers hanging from the celling and beautiful flower arrangements. We walked up to the receptionist and Al told her the reservation name she called over a frightened waiter who took us to our seats. It was secluded by a curtain and a small window was beside us Al pulled out my chair allowing me to sit and then sat in the chair across from me.

"May I start you of with a beverage?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a black coffee my good sir." Al said.

The waiter quickly wrote down his order before turning to me and waited for my order prepared to write it down.

"I'll have a F/d please." I answered.

"Your drinks will be out soon." They then turned around walking to the kitchen.

I picked up the menu looking through it and finally deciding on F/f. I set the menu down as the waiter returned with our drinks and took our food order, I was looking around the restaurant in aw when I felt Al touch my hand. I looked at him giving him a closed eyes smile, I heard him laugh as he brought my hand to his lips placing a gentle kiss on it. My face flushed in embarrassment and I looked away from his eyes. The waiter returned with our food and we began eating making small conversation while eating. We finished our food and Al paid with the argument of me also paying, he pulled out my chair helping me up and offering me his arm as we left the restaurant. He walked us to a small dancing patio that was playing slow dance music.

"Would you like a dance love?" He asked.

"I would love to dance." I replied happily.

He pulled me up to the patio as we began slow dancing, I laughed laying my head on his chest in happiness. He pulled me away from him and spun me into his arms placing a gentle kiss on my lips. He stepped back realizing me which confused me and then he started talking.

"Y/n you are the most beautiful and stubborn women I have ever met, I would love to spend eternity with you...." He bent down on one knee pulling out a small box ".....Will you be my wife?"

My smile widened as I hugged him "Yes, Yes, Yes, Oh a million times yes!!" I yelled happily.

He lifted me up and spun around with me in his arms as he let out loud cheers and laughs. I giggled when he slid the ring on my finger it was silver and red but it was still simple but extravagant at the same time. I kissed his lips cupping his cheeks with my hands in happiness, he set me on my feet and we continued to slow dance.


Time Skip


It was the day of the baby shower and Charlie was running everywhere getting everything ready, I was sat in the library reding a book out loud to the two children. I sat reading for about two hours before I heard the door open, Al ran up to me taking the book I had laying his head against my stomach. I laughed at his actions gently petting his head causing a purr to come from him, he ran small circles on my stomach making me laugh and giggle. He looked up at me, raising up and placing a gentle kiss on my lips I smiled against the kiss in happiness. He gently cupped my cheek deepening the kiss, his hand massaged my tails making me purr in pleasure. He pulled away from me then lifted me up and placed me into his lap, he picked up the book and began reading as I laid my head against his chest. I soon drifted off to sleep from his soothing voice reading the small book. Something began shaking me lightly waking me up causing me to groan, opening my eyes slightly I saw I was still in the library and Al was sleeping peacefully. I looked over to see Charlie with a wide smile, I raised up rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Y/n the baby shower is ready." She whispered trying not to wake Al.

I smiled widely hopping off Al's lap, I summoned a blanket gently placing it on him. I walked out of the library to see the lobby filled with party decorations, I saw a stack of presents making my jaw dropped. I looked at Charlie to see her Vaggie and Angle all stood around.

"You did all this in a few hours?" I asked amazed.

"Yep Nifty did most of the work though." Charlie stated I hummed in response.

"Well sugar lips you gonna open ya presents without Smiles or what?" Angel asked.

"Hm we should probably let him sleep but if he wakes up then with hi-" I was cut off when two arms wrapped around me.

"Well Petite biche I'm up and moving." He whispered into my ear.

"Alrighty then looks like were opening presents with Al." I stated walking over to the two chairs by the presents.

I sat down in a chair gently setting a present into my lap opening the present gently I pulled out a cute dress and looked at it in aw. I looked over at Al who was sat next to me I handed him a present to open and he looked at it confused. He gently opened it before pulling out a outfit that said Daddy's little monster, his ears lowered as he got a soft look in his eyes making me laugh. The day went on and we continued opening presents getting diapers, bottles, clothes, bibs, wipes, and other baby things. We teleported everything to Al's house where we would be staying after the children were born, saying thank you to everyone we teleported to Al's house to go to bed.



Chapter 40 done and done as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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