Chapter 22

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This chapter will have cussing, gore, abuse, manipulation, and death so let's continue this is your warning.

Y/n's pov

I groggily opened my eyes I pulled my hands up to rub them but stoped when a searing pain hit them. Looking down I saw chains hooked to my wrists and ankles the chains had small needles so any time I moved it would stab me. I quickly looked away from the chains in fear. Looking around the room it was quite dark in the room except for a small light in the corner I looked to my right and screamed as I saw the dead body of a small girl. I quickly moved away from the body letting out a pained yelp from the restraints. A creaking was heard as I looked up I saw my parents walk in threw a door. Closing the door behind them I noticed the electric dog collar in my mothers hand. I began violently shaking as memories of my childhood flooded in.

"Good morning Y/n I hope you had a good rest." My father said walking up to me and bending down to my height.

I looked up at him with anger filled eyes spitting in his face. I laughed at the shock on his face at what I did. I was soon cut off when his hand cut off my air supply and I began gasping for air. He slowly took his hand off my throat and I took in a big breath.

"I don't think I like talking to this Y/n you think we can speak to the one that makes us proud." He mussed.

'Let me out Y/n make dad proud, let me out, let me out" the voice screamed in my head.

"NO, NO, NO, STOP IT I'M SORRY!!!" I yelled trying to stop the voice from taking over.

My conscious started to get foggy as my thoughts were flooded with the idea of making people proud. I was completely out of it staring at my father with foggy glazed eyes. I saw him give me a thumbs up causing happiness to well up inside me. He began to unlock the chains on my wrist and ankles the restraints feel of as I sat still waiting for directions. My father stood up waving for me to follow him I happily followed him over to my mother a bright smile placed on my face.

"Alright you know what to do M/n" father said.

I walked up to my mother as she placed the collar on my neck. They walked towards the door as I stayed in the same spot. My father smiled kindly at me waving for me to follow. I quickly followed out the door and squinted my eyes from the sun light. When my eyes adjusted to the light I noticed a man with long blonde curly hair, his eyes where a deep blue, and he wore a nice blue suit. My parents walked up to him as I followed closely behind them as they talked to the man i looked around the room. The room looked like a meeting room the way it was set up. My thoughts were cut off when a burning pain occurred in my neck I quickly looked at my parents.

"Sorry wasn't listening." I said hanging my head.

My father walked up to me gripping my hair forcing me to look up at him.

"Disappointed Y/n" he whispered to me.

My eyes widened at him as I shook my head bringing my hands to my hair.

"Stupid, stupid make them proud Y/n." I mumbled to myself.

Looking up at my father again I saw his grin was sadistic. I felt numb at that point as I was scared to disappoint them. My father stood up straight seeing how I was acting. He knew I was wrapped around his finger now. I stared at them with a emotionless face as I paid attention to what they were saying.

Al's pov

This man was infuriating I wanted to kill him but I couldn't I needed him. Apparently breaking almost every bone in his body wasn't enough leverage to get him to speak. I knew I had scared the hell out of the hazbin hotel group but I didn't care I just wanted my love back, MY petite biche, she's MINE, not there's MINE. The radio static around me grew heavy as I looked at the man wanting to kill him but couldn't. I felt a hand on my shoulder and quickly spun around to the culprit.

"What?" I asked in a distorted voice.

Then I noticed it was Charlie I fixed my figure making sure I wasn't in my demon form before asking the question again in a more calm tone.

"Yes dear what do you need." I said my demonic tone still slightly present from anger.

"I can ask my dad if he can help." She explained.

My teeth gritted at the thought of him helping us. I hated to admit it but we did need his help. Looking up at her I finally responded "thank you dear."

She walked of to call him and I turned back to the man. Taking my clawed hand I stabbed his arm but quickly healed him so he wouldn't bleed out, he screamed out in pain as I chuckled darkly.

"So I'll ask you again where is she." I asked my form turning demonic.

"Fine, Fine she's at the old construction company in town." He cried out.

" Thank you good sir I will no longer need your service." I said as I gave him my signature sadistic smile.

I stabbed his gut causing him to scream out in pain. Then sliced his throat open. He began to choke on his blood which made him give a satisfying gurgling noise.  I heard a sound of applause from behind me. Turning around I saw Lucifer standing there with a smug smirk on his face.

"Well that was a lovely show." He said a growl left my lips as I glared at him.

"Wow no need to be hostile I mean I am helping you" he sarcastically told me "well who are we saving Charlotte failed to fill me in on that bit of information."

I heard Charlie grumble something about not being called that anymore. I let out a soft chuckle before answering " well if you must know we are saving my lover Y/n. Which she is located at the old construction company in town."

He hummed in response before walking out the door.  To the location I said we followed close behind as he walked.

Y/n's pov

I was standing in the corner as they set up a training room for someone. Looking at my parents I heard a loud bang quickly rushing to my parents to protect them. The door opened and a boy my age walked through covered in smoke stepping back into the corner.

"It's finished" he said.

My parents waved for me to follow I did quickly watching there every move so I wouldn't miss anything. We walked through a door and torture tools lined the walls with chemicals, to electrical devices. My parents walked me to a chair in the middle of the room and sat me in it. A couple of new men rushed to my side as they strapped me t on the chair. Looking at my parents they made a thumbs up showing they were proud and the foggy feeling began to clear as my consciousness was given back to me. My vision wasn't blurry anymore and I had my thoughts back. Looking at the chair I saw I was strapped to it and began struggling when a burning pain made me scream out in pain.

"Oh Y/n you are going to wish you were dead maybe we will even get death but first we need to sever that connection to that demon." My mother said.

My eyes widened as a priest walked threw the door and I began moving trying to escape. The priest began speaking in Hebrew reading a bible and a blistering pain was felt in my body as I screamed in pain.

With Al

Al stopped moving for a second as a weird feeling occurred in his body. He knew the felling it was someone breaking a deal with him. His brain became even more worried as he knew someone was breaking the deal with Y/n.

"We need to hurry someone's breaking the deal she has with me." Al said in a worried tone.



Chapter 22 is done and your welcome for the cliff hanger as always stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

A lifetime together (alastor x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon