Chapter 34

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This chapter will have gore in it.

Al's pov

It was around 9pm and Angel and Y/n should have been back by now. I was in the lobby passing back and forth worried for my love as Charlie tried to calm me down. Vaggie was sat in a chair also worried, I knew she wasn't harmed because the marking would have alerted me. The door slammed open and in walked in a high and depressed looking spider. I looked behind him looking for Y/n but she was no where in sight, my breathing got heavy as I teleported Infront of Angel.

"Where is she?" I asked darkly.

"Where's who. I don't know whatcha talkin' about." He said his words slurred.

Anger seethed from my body as I glared at the spider. He seemed to sober up a bit because his eyes widened in fear. I grabbed his throat pulling him closer to me, as I asked agian.

"You know I'm talking about Angel where is she?" I seethed.

"She's at the porn studio Val wanted her. But she ain't herself." He whimpered as he clawed at my hands.

I dropped him as I dug my shoe into his chest causing him to fall to the ground.

"What do you mean she's not herself!" I yelled angrily.

"I mean she's in her proud shit." He cried.

"And you let them take her!" I growled.

"They offered me my drugs and money, if I refused Val would have put me in double hell!" He yelled.

"MY FRIEND WHEN I GET Y/N BACK YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT A LOT MORE THAN VALEBTINO HATMING YOU."I seethed lifting him up and throwing him into a nearby wall.

"Now if you excuse me I'm going to get my lover." I said slamming the door as I walked into the streets of hell.

I walked into the streets of hell changing into my full demon form but my antlers where longer than ever and all I could see was red. Demons ran from me as I walked to the studio, after a couple minutes I slammed open the door to the porn studio. A couple security people ran towards me and I killed them easily. I walked up to the scared bartender before asking my question.


He let out a scared whimper before pointing towards a closed door that said three V's on it. My eyesight grew solid red and I couldn't hear anything as I killed all the demons in that damned place. I walked towards the door to see Y/n following Velvet through a back door. I quickly followed her before seeing Vox grab her and slam her to the ground with a cord wrapped around her thought. I stopped but anger radiated of me as Vox smiled looking at me. I looked at Y/n as I saw her begin to lose consciousness, my eyesight grew foggier as all I wanted to do was save Y/n I quickly ran towards Vox slamming him to the ground. He threw Y/n across the road with a smirk I heard a crunch come from her body as she let out a yelp and her black blood came from her skull. The radio dials in my eyes spun in anger as my neck snaped looking at Vox he looked at me before his one cocky smirk turned to one of fear. I grabbed his throat slamming him into the ground causing his screen to break and turn off. I looked at where Y/n was seeing Val and Velvet run off with her, I let out a low growl as I approached them killing any demon in sight. They only thing I was concerned about was getting Y/n back. Velvet stopped turning towards me with a terrified look she summoned two guns and aimed them at me pulling the trigger. My shadows spawned Infront of me protecting me from the shots as I approached her. Grabbing her by her shirt I threw her against the wall of a building causing it to collapse on top of her. I set my sights on Valentino until I heard a scream my ears picked it up as I knew it was Y/n's, anger was now all I could see and I had no care for anyone except Y/n. My shadows flooded out of my body killing any poor soul that was near, it was like the cleanse came early. I approached Valentino as my doe was heled at point by a angel's blade and a cut was across her chest as she was bleeding from not being able to regenerate. Seeing the blood made me go feral I quickly broke the blade in half as I threw it to the side Valentino looked into my now feral eyes with fear as I broke his neck. A satisfying crack came from it until I heard Y/n scream in pain, looking down I saw Charlie lift Y/n up. However I was to feral to notice it was her so I began attacking her until she dropped Y/n I gently lifted her as I liked her wounds trying to heal them but it didn't work. I heard muffled shouting before another whine came from Y/n.

Charlie's pov

We need to get help for Y/n but Alastor won't let anyone near her. I yelled at Alastor to let us help her but nothing was working finally giving up I decided to call my dad.

"Hey Dad." I stated.

"I was waiting for you to call I'm on my way." He replied hanging up.

In a matter of minutes he materialized in front of us, he approached Alastor causing him to growl at him and pull Y/n closer. I whimper came from her and Alastor lessened his grip looking down at her. My dad took that as his chance and quickly restrained Alastor with his powers taking Y/n from his grip. He began thrashing back and forth trying to escape the restraints trying to get to Y/n. Dad gently handed me Y/n as I rushed to the royal hospital, Dad stayed behind to try and calm Alastor down. Me and vaggie got to the hospital and rushed inside yelling for someone. I heard the door open and looked over to see a more calm Alastor and my Dad. Alastor walked over taking Y/n from my hands and sending one of the doctors a death glare, they quickly walked over to Alastor to take Y/n but Alastor pulled her closer and growled. The doctor pulled back quickly before walking to a room waving for Alastor to follow. He soon came out and passed back and forth in worry.

Al's pov

A minute turned into a hour then a hour turned into a day. The cleanse was going on but I was to worried to even be concerned by it. I was in a chair sipping my 5th cup of coffee waiting for Y/n to wake up. I never slept I rarely ate and when I did it was only one our two bites. I was always beside Y/n day and night waiting for her to wake up, the doctors tried to get me to go home but failed miserably. Bags hung from my eyes as I felt drifting off I gently crawled into the bed with Y/n being careful of the cuts on her body. I put my head down on the pillow beside her wrapping my arms around her as I drifted off to sleep.

time skip

I woke up to something playing with my hair and ears, my ears twitched as I grounded looking up seeing that Y/n was awake. I quickly sat up cupping her face to make sure I wasn't dreaming but no she was real. I lifted her into my lap and she let out a pained whimper my grip lessened as my eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry you got hurt love I should have been there faster." I stated.

"hey your fine how long was I out anyways?" She asked pressing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Almost two days love." I answered calmly.

"Two days wait so does that mean the extermination is going on right now?" She exclaimed.

I nodded as she stood up limping over to he window. My ears lowered at how much pain I saw she was in, I walked over to her lifting her up so she wouldn't strain herself. I looked down at all the exterminators chasing and killing the demons, I heard a laugh come from Y/n as I looked at her. Her eyes were a F/c color and a sadistic smile played her face.

"What's so funny love?" I asked slightly concerned.

"They all look like chickens running around with their heads chopped of." She laughed.

"That is true love but maybe we should go back to bed." I stated.

Just then a yawn exited her mouth I walked over to the bed pulling back the covers and laying her into the bed. I crawled in beside her wrapping my arms around her as a purr exited her lips, I kissed the top off her head before falling asleep.


Chapter 34 done and done sorry for the shortish chapter I was tired. stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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