chapter 3

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found this little gem the other day and I just had to share^


" well first you must..."

Y/n pov

"I can't believe I'm about to summon a demon" I mumbled to myself while grabbing the thing he told me to.

He had to leave me do to someone named charlie I believe coming and saying something about a hazbin hotel. I'm not sure going into the kitchen I was surprised I had everything for the summoning.

"five large candles, check." I confirmed grabbing and setting them on the table.

"A marker, check, The radio, check, and a piece of paper, check." I stated setting everything on the table by the candles. " And now we wait for Al."

Sitting at the table for about 2 hours I began to get bored, walking to my room to grab my phone and sketch book. Walking over to the kitchen table I sat down with my sketch book and phone in hand staring out the window and drawing the scenery of the woods. 2 more hours had passed and I had finished my drawing and I was starting to draw Al's radio. Then I remembered the book I had about him I got from the library, standing up I ran over to my bookshelf full of books. looking through all of the book I saw it.

"found it" I muttered to myself taking the book

Walking back to my seat and sitting down with the book, I opened the book and there was a loud surg of static that came from the radio. It didn't really hurt my ears now because I was starting to get used to it and it wasn't as loud as the other two times.

"hello petite biche, do you have everything" Alastor cheerfully stated.

"Hello Al, I do have everything" I cheerfully said.

I was quiet excited about this, because I trusted Al and he seemed like a nice person once you got past the murdering cannibalistic demon.

" Well lets begin this hell show!! HAHA" Alastor laughed.

"Did you just make a pun." I said trying to hold in a chuckle.

"What did you not Die of laughter because of it. hoho" Alastor said

" oh my gosh Al. HAHA" I laughed out.

Time skip to after Al is done telling his jokes

" Alright al it's almost midnight we should probably summon you know." I said trying to catch my breath from laughing so hand.

" eager to see me are we my petite biche" he stated smugly. I could almost hear him smirking.

"W-What.. N-No. I.. I didn't... what-" I cut off myself with a agitated groan while I could feel heat rush to my face. "let's just get this over with" you grumbled angry.

" Alright petite biche" he said still sounding cocky.

"well what do I do first" I asked

"Alright first I need you to clean out a place on the ground and make a large pentagram placing the candles on every point of the star." he instructed me.

I followed his steps moving the chairs in my living room to make some room on the floor. Making the pentagram I walked back over to the table to grab the candles setting them down on all of the stars points. stepping back to look at my work. Looking at the radio I asked him what to do next.

" now dear I need you to take the piece of paper I need you to right my name on it and set it in the middle with the radio on top.' hey told me.

Doing what he said, I looked at the radio that was now on the ground waiting for my next instruction.

After all the instructions

"Alright dear I believe we are ready all I need you to do now is say my name and show yourself." Alastor said.

" Alright I can do that." I said like a child In a big toy store " Alastor show yourself" I said sternly.

I stood there for a minute nothing was happening so I started questioning if I did something wrong.

"Al nothings happ-" I was cut off by the flames on the candles growing really large and engulfing the radio and almost touching me.

Stepping back so the fire wouldn't burn me I turned my face because it felt like my face was burning of. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the flames starting to turn black and a silhouette of a being. The flames started to die down making the warmth more barrable so I could look at the person. he was turned away from me so I couldn't get a good look at his face. looking at the person his coat he had on looked tattered at the ends. looking at his hair it has was a red color turning black at the ends he had two ear like things on top of his head and antlers like a little deer.

" A-Al is that you" I said trying not to stutter but failing.

The head of the person in front of me turned a full 180 with a sickening crack because of the speed he turned it. Causing me to look at him in fear. The person spun on his heels walking towards me with a huge smile, with rows of golden sharp teeth that looked like they could tear me to shreds in seconds. I took a step back to keep a safe distance from the being who still hasn't answered my question. I took another step back tripping over my feet and falling on my butt. His red eyes staring into my E/c eyes. he took a couple steps forward and bent down at his waist so he was face to face with me.

"Hello petite biche, lovely to finally see you." Alastor said with a never ending smile.

"H-Hi Al" I said still trembling.

"My dear your shaking like a scared little fawn, there is no need to be scared." he stated " like I said before if I wanted to hurt you..... I would have done so already." his voice getting distorted at the end.

The air around us got really heavy, his eyes turned to what looked like radio dials, and strange symbols started floating around him. Then just as soon as it started it ended. he stood up straight still looking at me then offered his hand out to me offering to help me up. I looked at it for a minute before carefully taking it.

"Now that we are officially acquainted what shall we do now" Alastor asked.



boom chapter 3 done and done. stay safe my little water drops and have a lovely new years eve. let's hope 2022 is better than the last 3 years.

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