chapter 9

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This is a drawing I did of Max Elliot's kid.

Y/n pov

I woke up to a stream of light flooding my room threw the curtains. I rubbed my eyes and tried to sit up. I was held down to the bed when I tried to sit up by a weight on my waist. Looking down I saw long arms wrapped around my waist I followed the arm up to who it belonged to and was met with a sleeping Alastor. I immediately blushed seeing his peaceful face. I laid back down just staring at his sleeping face his smile was still there but it wasn't wide it was just a closed mouth smile. I looked at his maroon colored eyelids that looked like eye shadow. He mumbled something incoherent in his sleep pulling me into a protective hug. My face heated up as our noses was touching now. Looking up I noticed his ears.

'This might be the only chance I get to touch them.' I thought to myself.

Moving up more so I could reach his ears his face was now under my chin.My finger grazed his ear making it twitch. I internally squealed at how cute it was. My hand began to massage the base of his ear. I felt my chest vibrate and then a sound of a motor.

Laughing quietly I thought 'His shadow resembles him a lot. I mean it is "his" shadow what should I expect.

I must have laughed to loud because before I knew it the arms that once wrapped my waist was now holding my wrists to prevent me from touching his ears. I was dragged down and was face to face with Al.

"Dear why were you touching my ears." his smile widened menacingly while he waited for my response.

I smiled innocently before wiggling out of his grasp darting out of the room. I ran down the steps creating distance between the demon and me.

"Ohoho your not getting away that easily petite biche." I heard him call from the bedroom.

Running into my office I grabbed a pillow from the chair and hid behind under the office desk, and waited for Al to come into the room. I heard footsteps descend down the steps and once the footsteps got to the bottom of the steps they stopped. My heart beat speed up in fear but the kind of fear you got when playing tag as a little kid. The footsteps walked over to the direction of the room I held my breath when the footsteps was outside the room as I was in. The footsteps passed the room and I let out a quick exhale. When I did that the footsteps immediately turned around and headed back to the room.

"I've found you petite biche. Now are you coming out of the room peacefully or do I need to throw you over my shoulder and bring you out?" Al asked.

I stayed silent hoping he thought it was just the wind.

"Second option it is then." with that the door opened and the clicking of dress shoes filled the room.

I held my breath while he was in the room as he continued to search for me. He closed the door to the storage closet and chuckled shaking his head. I giggled as his ears moved with his head. his ears swiveled towards me and I cursed at myself for laughing.

'Damn you Al you new I would laugh' I thought to myself.

Al came over to the office desk sliding the chair out from under the desk. He snapped his fingers and I was gently slid out from under the desk by a force I couldn't see. I turned on my stomach trying to grab the floor so I could stay in my spot. I saw my pillow grabbing it I hid it behind my back. I was now being held upside down while Al smiled wide at me. It wasn't sinister so I knew he was joking. Pulling the pillow out from behind my back I hit him with it trying to make him drop me. That plan failed miserably because he flipped me around taking my pillow throwing it on the chair and me over his shoulder. I playfully hit his back as he walked out the door and into the living room he threw me on the couch gently before leaning over top of me. He lifted my arms with one hand while the other began tickling my ribs. I began to laugh uncontrollably I was laughing so much I began crying.

"are you going to answer my question dear?" Al questioned me.

"N-N-Never" I said in a joking tone.

He looked me in the eyes and smiled even wider before his hand began tickling my stomach. I tried scrunching up my legs to my chest to stop him but where he was sitting on them I couldn't move them.

Time skip to after Al is done tickling you

Al had finally stopped tickling me and was just leaning over top of me. My eyes noticed his eyes glancing at my lips, making my heart speed up in excitement. I looked down at his lips, they looked soft not hard and dry. He began to lean closer to my face our eyes closed and our lips where about to touch. When there was a knock at the doors. (Haha I regret nothing) Al stood up straightening his suit out helping me up.

"I should probably get that, you should hide until their gone Al" I said looking at him.

He nodded before going into the dark corner of the room and disappearing. I looked over at the time and it was around noon.

'who could be at the door?' I wondered.

I walked over to the door unlocking it and opening it. When I opened it I saw Elliot with a little boy on their hip.

"hey Elliot why are you here?" I asked her.

"Your watching max remember" they said.

"Oh yeah sorry I forgot" I chuckled nervously.

I heard a car horn honk and they turned to look at it. A man was waving for them to hurry up. they quickly handed me Max kissing him on the head, Making him giggle.

"See you in a weak my sweat" they said before turning back and walking to the car.

Before they got in the car she waved bye, me and Max also waved bye. I walked back inside wit Max on my hip. setting him down I got a look at him he was a 2 year old boy with green eyes and dirty blond hair. He had on a white shirt, jean shorts, and black tennis shoes. He looked behind me and froze in fear confused at what he was looking at I turned around seeing Al staring at the boy. I turned back to Max quickly.

"Max this is Alastor, Al this is Max. I'm taking care of him for a week." I stated moving the scared boy Infront of me.

Al walked forward before kneeling down to the boys height. He looked at me and I mouthed can you do something so he isn't scared of you. Al nodded before snapping his fingers making him turn into a buck. Al sat down Infront of the boy and tilted his head. He was a red deer with a black belly, tail, and the tis of his ears were also black. He had his usual antlers sticking out of his head. Me and the boy looked at Al in awe at what he just did. Max walked up to Al smiling wide before reaching and petting his neck. Al quickly changed back to normal picking up Max. He set Max on his shoulders before walking to the kitchen asking what he wanted to eat. Max asked for pancakes, bacon, and eggs. with that they were cooking in the kitchen.

'maybe they will get along with each other' I thought smiling following them.


Chapter 9 done and done. I might make two posts tomorrow but I'm not sure. Alright stay safe and stay tuned my little water drops.

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