chapter 16

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Bullying will be in this. I will put a safe and warning before and after it.


"I guess we are love." He replied.

Y/n's pov

"No you can't leave not yet" Al whined gripping onto me.

"Al I have to go it's for work." I said trying to get the overgrown child off my leg.

He has been acting like this every since the incident this morning. wiggling around to try and get out of his grasp to go to town and talk to my boss. He said there was a art commission for me to do for a new small business. Finally getting out of his grip I was running to the door, I looked behind me seeing if he was following me. While not paying attention my face ran into a body. Falling down I prepared to hit the ground closing my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes to see Al holding me stopping me from hitting the ground.

"Can I at least join you." He asked

"HAHA yeah and let people freak out over a demon following me yeah no, Al." I Said laughing my eyes closed from laughter at what he asked " Unless you can magically turn into a human no."

"But dear I can see" He replied

This confused me so I stopped laughing opening my eyes I saw Al his human form. He had short strawberry brown hair that was very fluffy, with red eyes, he had on a red vest and bow tie with a white button up under it his whole outfit screamed rich person. I quickly blushed as he was very attractive shaking my face to rid myself of the blush. I looked up at him and saw him smirking.

"Wow I didn't know you could do that." I exclaimed at him in awe.

"I can do lots of things, I guess I can show you when we return home we don't want to be late now do we." He said.

"True let's go" I said walking towards the door.

walking to the door Faline came around the corner to follow me outside. I've noticed over the time when me and the fawn interacted Al got very jealous. You can tell if he's jealous because his radio static gets louder as to try and show dominance. The fawn nudged my hand with her hand and the radio static grew. Turning to Faline I bent down to her height.

"I'm sorry girl but you can't come." I said in a sad tone.

The fawn's ears flopped downwards giving me a sad look. My heart clenched at how sad she looked.

" how about this I give you a treat if you be good and stay here for me?" I questioned.

The fawn quickly stood up walking back to the room she came from. While I heard Al grumbling something about how it was unfair the stupid deer got offered something and he didn't. I turned to him and his ears were pinned back staring at the ground. I walked over to him giving his check a peak which made his ears perk up.

"Maybe if your good today I will also let you have a treat." I said.

He looked at me nodding his head quickly before offering his arm to me.

"shall we take our leave then?" He asked.

"We shall." I answered.

Town wasn't to far from my house so we decided to walk there. I had my hands wrapped around Al's arm I looked over to him noticing he was staring.

"Take a picture it will last longer." I sarcastically said.

He nodded then snapped his fingers and a old camera appeared in his hand. I looked at him shocked before he stopped me taking a picture of me. The picture came out of the bottom and he shook it for a second before looking at it. He smiled snaping his fingers making the camera and photo disappear. I blinked slowly dumbfounded by what he just did.

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