Chapter 24

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Hello my water drops this chapter will have gore, and death so have fun I will place a warning before and after it. The picture above is what Al's doll looks like.

Y/n's pov

I was walking the streets of hell still having the doll in hand. Walking past a window I saw a flash of white and black pass by the window. Taking a step backwards I saw that it was my reflection I jumped backwards seeing myself. My once h/c was now had white roots that faded to black at the ends like a ombré effect. My hair was now to the middle of my back. My s/c was now a light grey my eyes had white irises and the sclera of my eye was black. My mouth was covered by a half white half black mask. Pulling the mask down my mouth had a scar connecting from the corners of my lips upwards so it looked like I was smiling. I felt a twitch on my head so looking up I saw two black spotted fox like ears. I quickly grabbed one trying to rip it of in fear, but a unbelievable pain shot through my head. I let out a pained yelp as one of the voices spoke.

'You idiot what the hell are you doing!" The distorted one asked.

'Oh leave her alone this is all new to her once we find lover he will explain everything.' The cheerful one said in a lovesick tone.

Looking at how else my body changed I saw a tail of a fox the top was white and the end faded to black. I also noticed I had a more hourglass figure showing of my curves more. I was wearing a f/c hoodie and skinny jeans. My shoes were f/c also. I quickly turned away from the reflection and continued to try and find Al.

Time skip


It was what looked to be night because the red sky began to grow darker. I was hugging the doll like my life depended on it when I ran into someone. The person was a very big male who had bull like features he turned to me before letting out a growl.

"Watch we're your going bitch." He growled.

"S-sorry sir I wasn't paying attention." I whimpered.

The male looked me up and down and smirked when his eyes landed on Al's doll I gripped the doll tighter in fear. The man reached for me and I took a step back words.

"Please don't touch me." I said still scared.

"Aw what wrong little fox you scared I'm gonna take your dolly." He laughed out.

He reached for me again but this time he grabbed the doll. I gasped afraid he was gonna hurt it. The man picked it up looking at it curiously. He then threw it up in the air catching it. Anger grew in my body as the white irises began to change red. I growled at the man in anger before I heard the voices again.

'Can we kill him oh please please mistress.' The giddy one said.

'I don't think that's to bad oh a idea myself he seems like a ass." The other voice growled.

Looking to my sides I saw the two shadows before saying "you may but do not hurt the doll."

The bull demon looked up at me weirdly as to why I said something before he backed away in fear of my shadows and glowing red eyes. The shadows began to laugh at his actions as he began to cower in fear.

"H-hey little fox I was only playin' h-here's ya dolly back." He said tossing me the doll.

Him throwing the doll only made me angrier. I gently grabbed the doll as to not hurt it while my eyes began glowing a vibrant red.

The giddy one chuckled before saying " uh oh you fuked up mister."

"Kill him and make it hurt please." I said my voice becoming distorted.

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