Chapter 32

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this chapter will contain alcohol, abuse, and drugs in it there will be a before and after warning.


"I promise." I stated lifting myself up carrying Y/n to the guest room.

Y/n's pov

I woke up to a light humming my ears twitched as I felt something gently rubbing them. Looking up I heard Al humming I don't want to set the world on fire by the ink spots. (The video up top is the song) My ears pinned back in anger remembering the events that took place yesterday. He stopped humming as I quickly stood up and tried leaving but was stopped by Alastor.

"Dear just listen please." He whined.

"What Alastor what could you possibly say to make me forgive you. You didn't even pay attention when I left, that just showed me how much you apparently loved me! Why don't you go fuck Mimzy why don't you cuddle with Mimzy, Why be with me when she's clearly better than me!" I yelled my voice cracking as tears streamed down my face.

"Dear I'm sorry I didn-" He couldn't finish his sentence before I grew even angrier.

"Don't you fucking dear me, and what were you about to say you didn't mean to! ALASTOR if you didn't mean to you wouldn't have done it! You know what have fun with having your luck with Mimzy because if I mean so little to you I'm done! Goodbye Alastor!" I growled at him.

I quickly ran out the door slamming it as I ran out of the emporium.

Al's pov

She did it she said the one thing I feared the most it's over. I dropped to the floor as I began sobbing loud tears. I never cry but this was a time where I didn't care my love was gone and she ended her connections with me. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on. Minutes turned into hours of crying as I heard a soft nock on the door, I stood up not even trying to put on a smile. Opening the door I saw Rosie with a cup of black coffee.

"May I come in?" she asked.

I nodded my throat still hurting from crying, she walked into the room as she sat down on the bed patting the spot next to her gesturing for me to sit. I walked over to her as I sat down on the bed beside her. She looked at me with a worried look as my ears lowered more as Y/n's words rung through my head.

"She thought I didn't love her Rosie, she hates me now." I said my voice hoarse and cracking slightly.

"No she doesn't hate you Alastor she was torn apart when you went with Mimzy she thought you forgot about her." Rosie stated.

I looked up at her "I didn't mean to forget about her I was just to caught up with myself."

"And that's why she left, she thought you forgot her." She said gently "Just give her a day or two and then try talking to her again."

"But I don't know where she went." I whimpered.

"Don't worry Alastor she will find you when she's ready." She said.

I nodded before sanding up and walking towards the center of the room I waved goodbye to Rosie as I gave a sad smile. Teleporting back to my home I snapped my fingers causing one of her hoodies to appear in my arms, I laid down in my bed smelling the hoodie. It wasn't warm like, her it didn't cuddle like her, it didn't give nice head pets like her it wasn't her. Tears spilled from my eyes as I thought about all the times we had together. I laid there sobbing for what felt like years before I feel into sleep.

Time skip


It had been a week and I was beginning to believe she would never come back. I wasn't as enthusiastic like usually I still had my smile but it was sad and fake. The hotel staff began to worry about me as I looked like any moment I was going to pass out from lack of sleep. I looked like I would die if someone even pushed me. Over the days without Y/n I became more aggressive and hostile, I would zone out more, and begin sobbing at random. I was out walking when I saw a black and white fox demon smoking a cigarette thinking it was my imagination from lack of sleep I paid no mind to it until I turned around to say something to another demon. Getting a good look a the demons face I saw it was Y/n my heart sunk at how dead and emotionless her face looked. She threw the cigarette she did have to the ground before holding out a stack of cash to the demon in front of her. The demon counted the stack of money before handing her a bag of drugs she took them running away. I quickly followed her as she walked into a broken apartment complex, she pulled out a key from her pocket opening the door, I followed her in as I hide in the shadows. She set the bag of drugs on the table walking to the fridge opening a bottle of wine downing it in one go. She looked at the bottle before her eyes grew a electric blue and she threw it against the wall and yelled. I winced at the sudden noise before I saw her sink to the ground and burst into tears. I was about to step out of the shadows when I heard a male voice.

"Oi What the hell are you screaming about bitch." He seethed.

"S-Sorry sir it won't happen again." She whimpered.

"Ey did ya get my drugs." He said walking up to her.

"Y-Yes sir." She said getting up and running over to the table.

She quickly grabbed the drugs handing it to the man, the man grabbed the drugs from her placing them in rows on the table. He looked at her before smirking.

"Now I want you to snort every last one of those lines." He growled.

"B-but I don't want to do that agian sir-" She was gripped my one of her ears and pulled up close to the mans face.

"Did I ask Bitch!" He yelled in her ear.

"N-No sir." She whimpered out.

"Good little fox." He said tossing her to the ground.

She went to crawl away but the man stomped on her tail stopping her from moving. She let out a loud yelp in pain, anger seethed from my body as she curled up in pain. She was again lifted up as the man pulled out a chair throwing her so she was sitting in it. She was pushed into the table as the man handed her a dollar bill, tears dripped from her eyes as she rolled it up and began taking the drugs. She leaned back after taking the drugs and then her eyes hazed over, her eyes turned a f/c as she looked at the man half dazed. The man walked up to her grabbing her ear and lifting her off the ground she let out a scream but did nothing.

'Why isn't she using her powers?' I thought.

"It's so lovely having drugs in your system so you can't use you powers isn't it little fox." He seethed.

She said nothing, the man growled at this throwing her against the wall she let out a yell of pain as a sickening crack came from her body.

"Answer me bitch." The man seethed.

"Y-Yes sir." She said slightly disoriented.

"I could give you back to the people who sold you, slut don't test me!" He yelled.

He walked to the kitchen counter grabbing a knife from the drawer. He walked over to her grabbing one of the her ears and cutting a good piece off of it, she let out a blood curdling yell. I stepped out of the shadows anger seeping through my body as I glared at the man, he stepped away quickly as I approached Y/n. Her now F/c eyes were half lidded from pain as her body shacked and tears came seeping down her face. I looked at the man who was cowering in the corner, I sent my shadow on him to tear him apart as I lifted up Y/n. She began squirming trying to escape my grasp I placed my forehead against hers before muttering a sleeping spell. I teleported to my home laying her in my bed as I sat in the chair beside it, I gently held her hand as I looked at he ear. The tip of it was now gone, I reached up to pet it but as soon as I touched it she let out a yelp of pain and her tail wrapped around my hand. I gently stroked her tail causing her to relax, she let out a soft purr making me smile.


Time skip

I was reading a book with Y/n's tail in my lap as I stroked it gently. I felt the tail twitch alerting me that Y/n was awake, I set down the book as I looked over towards her. She sat up straight quickly as her tail wrapped around her waist in comfort. She looked around the room quickly and her eyes finally landed on me tears began to stream down her face as she ran up to me hugging me tightly. I hugged her back stroking he head being extra carful of her ears.

"I'm sorry Alastor I didn't mean it I was angry I'm sorry, so, so sorry." She whined.

"Hey there's no reason to apologize you had the right to be mad, I was selfish only thinking of myself. I'll do better my love." I explained.

"So you don't hate me?" She asked.

"Oh love I could never hate you I love you far to much." I said.

"Aww I love you to Al." She stated smiling at me.

"Wait does this mean were back together?" I asked

"Yes Al we can be back together if you want to anyways." She explained.

I let out a happy yell as I connected our lips together.



Chapter 32 done and done have a wonderful day and as always stay safe and stay tuned.

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