Chapter 35

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Just then a yawn exited her mouth I walked over to the bed pulling back the covers and laying her into the bed. I crawled in beside her wrapping my arms around her as a purr exited her lips, I kissed the top off her head before falling asleep.

Y/n's pov

I woke up as red light flooded the room, I opened my eyes and saw the white and black hospital themed room. I went to sit up but was pulled closer to a chest from behind me, I let out a whimper as a stinging pain went through my chest. Looking down I saw bandages wrapped around my chest and a red liquid slowly soaking them. I heard a grumble behind me so I turned as I saw Al's red hair, I began scratching his ears causing his eyes to fully open.

"Good morning love how are you feeling?" He asked.

"Sore but other than that fine." I answered.

He looked down and his eyes widened when he saw the bloody bandages, he looked at me with sad eyes and I smiled down at him.

"We should change those bandages and see when you can go home." He replied.

I nodded and he lifted me up so I was in a sitting position I let out a whimper of pain, which caused him to stop moving me. He looked into my eyes with a worried look and his ears and smile lowering. I gave him a nod to continue and he sat me fully up grabbing a couple rolls of bandages and alcohol. He left the room to find a doctor and soon came back with one, the doctor began unwrapping my old bandages throwing the in the trash. He picked up the alcohol and I moved backwards on instinct knowing how bad this shit is going to hurt. I felt Al grab me holding me still as I looked up at him letting my ears lower, he looked away not wanting to see my sad face. The doctor poured in the alcohol and my wound bubbled as I whimpered and squirmed in pain, the doctor dabbed the wound with a rag. He picked up the unused bandages wrapping them around my chest he made sure they were secure before nodding.

"Now that wound is healing up nicely so you may go home after we run a few tests just remember change your bandages two to three times a day so the wound won't get infected." He stated.

I nodded as he walked out and a nurse walked in with a clipboard and a needle, I flinched backwards into Al's grip causing pain to shot through my body. The nurse walked towards me and I wanted to hide behind Al, I wrapped my tail tightly around his arm as the nurse gently stuck the needle into me and began drawing black blood, I let out tiny whimpers of pain as she pulled the needle out of my arm. She walked out of the room to run some tests on it, a couple hours passed and she walked back in. Al had me wrapped in his arms on his lap and I was drawing quietly with a sketchbook and pencil he summoned.

"Your free to go home." She said in a smooth English accent.

I looked up happily as I tried to stand but before I could hit the floor I was lifted into a bridle position. Al snapped his fingers and I had on decent clothing. We walked or more like Al walked out carrying me down the side walk, we made it to the hotel walking in the lobby. I looked around and saw Angel I growled in anger as I saw my shadow appear and slap his face, he let out a yelp in pain grabbing his face. He looked around then saw me with a murderous glare he looked to the ground as I hear Al laughing. I glared at him and he stopped in fear of me slapping him, he continued walking to the hotel room. Opening the door he sat down in a chair placing me in his lap, he placed soft kisses up and down my neck as my tail wagged back and forth happily he kissed my bandaged wound lightly causing me to laugh, I gently rubbed his ears when a hot feeling based through my body, it soon died down but it was weird.

Time skip 3 days

My wounds had begun to heal but those heat flashes I get are happening more often, I always brush them off but I find it weird it only happens when I'm away from Al. Speaking of Al he's been staying near me less and less only making the heat waves worst for me, he even went as far as to sleep in a separate bed. I thought I had done something so my ears always drop when I approach him and he runs off. I stood up having another heat wave pass through my body as I began to shake, I let out a whimper walking out of the room uncomfortable. Walking into the lobby room I noticed Charlie walking up to her I tapped on her shoulder.

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