chapter 17

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cursing in this chapter also everyone say high to James.


My smile widened as I began looking for MY Y/n.

Y/n's pov

I was running away from the group when I ran into someone. Falling backwards I was about to hit the ground when the person caught me. I closed my eyes tight as a hand was brought to my face whipping the tears from my face.

"Wow there what has you all worked up little lady?" The person said.

I opened my eyes seeing a tall muscular man holding me. I took a step back from him and he chuckled at me.

"Don't worry little lady the name's James."  he said sticking his hand out.

I took his hand shaking it saying "Y/n".

His eyes widened at that "You wouldn't happen to be the daughter of M/n and F/n L/n?"

I nodded my head confused as to why he was wondering. He looked around quickly like he was looking for something but then his gaze came back to me. Getting a good look at James I saw he had black hair with grey eyes he wore a business suit and was carrying a briefcase. I was still looking at him when a pair of arms wrapped around me. I jumped away from the intruder spinning to look at them I noticed it was Al. My anger was threw the roof at him right now he just stood there and watched me get called names. He noticed my anger and he looked down at his feet.

'This manipulative little fuck is trying to make me feel bad for him' I thought.

Walking over to him I slapped his face. He stood there in shock as I glared at him. He slowly looked at me with a sad look.

"You little FUCK you did absolutely nothing while they were calling me names. How about I call you Fat, ugly, Fat rat, oh no here's a good one how about cock tease!" I yelled at him in anger. "We are going to go met with my boss to get the art commission and as soon as we get home you may stay but you are not allowed in my room!"

I grabbed his ear walking to the direction of my work. Turning around I gave James a soft smile waving at him good bye. He waved back and I continued walking. After a couple of steps I let go of Alastor's ear.

"Dear I'm so-" He was cut off.

"Shut the hell up" I seethed before looking at him threw the corner of my eye.

He immediately stopped talking his gaze lowered. He knew I was mad because I never really cuss I only do it when I'm beyond angry. We continued our way to my bosses office in silence.

Time skip

I walked into the house rage still coming off me I must have surprised Al with the way I could change personalities for whoever I was with. One minute I was seething with anger at Al and the next I was a polite person speaking to the client who hired me to do there art work. I held the door open for Al because I was still nice even if I was bad at him. Slamming the door shut Al jumped at the sudden sound he turned back into his demon form. He looked at me with sad eyes and lowered his ears. I scoffed turning from him and heading to my office. He tried following me into my office but I slammed it in his face. The fawn was curled up on the ground when the loud slam happened she jumped up looking around on high alert. I walked over to my desk when I noticed a piece of paper on it.

Dear Y/n,

when you are ready to speak to me I will be in the living room please know I am very sorry but I couldn't do anything then people were around. but I very much so wanted to.

Love A

It said in elegant cursive. My heart began to squeeze in pain wanting to run into his arms and cry. However I couldn't he needed to learn his actions had consequences. With hat I began working on the add for the client. 

Al's pov

I knew Y/n was mad at me I had never heard her cuss before and the tone she used showed me just how angry she was. I knew I was in the wrong and all I wanted to do was apologize for her to run her fingers in my hair planting kisses on my head. I was curled up on the couch with one of her blankets that smelt like her, but it wasn't the same. A couple of hours had passed and I heard the door to her office open footsteps slowly walked towards me. I recognized the footsteps they were Y/n's the footsteps stopped in front of me. I looked up at her, she still seemed angry but it wasn't as present. She took the blanket from me causing me to let out a whimper. She lifted me to where I was sitting up and sat down next to me. She laid my head in her lap and began petting my head. I purred at her actions happy she wasn't as mad at me.

"I'm sorry for not doing anything immediately love." I apologized to her.

"Apology accepted but Al." she started. "I will not hesitate to make your time with me worst than any torture in the world." She finished darkly.

Her tone sent a shiver down my spin but I enjoyed the dominant side of her. I flipped sides so my face was in her stomach. I rubbed my head into her stomach which caused her to laugh. Her hands began petting my ears and I purred happily.

James pov

I made it to my bosses lair. quickly making my way into the meeting room, I busted through the doors quickly looking at him. He was sitting in a chair at the end of the table with two demons on either side of him.

"What is the meaning of this James?" My boss asked

"We found where she lives." I huffed out.

Immediately the room turned eerie from the anger coming from the two demons. Both of them stood up walking over to me and I took a couple steps back.

"WHERE!" they both said seethed with anger

" I-In a house in the woods by the river." I stuttered in fear.

The demons looked at each other nodding there head.

"Looks like were paying our daughter a little visit." The female demon said.

" But Mr. and Mrs. L/n t-the radio demon is her lover." I said still shaking.

"So." The L/n both said in sync.

I immediately shut my mouth when my boss stood up and clapped his hands.

"Looks like we need help then." He said walking to the phone.



Chapter 17 done and done stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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