Chapter 38

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Okay so this chapter is the last smut chapter.


'I love you Y/n nothing will ever take you from me.' I thought looking at her as we danced.

Y/n's pov

It was the last two weeks of matting season so my heat were died down a bit but the were still there. Walking into the library I lit the fireplace as I wrapped my self in a blanket, it's been really cold in the cottage lately. I curled up into a ball on the couch for warmth when I felt arms lift me up and lay me on top of their chest. I looked up at Al with a smile before nuzzling his warm chest, he wrapped his arms around me placing a gentle kiss on my head. I let out a purr from the contact, I looked at the fire before standing up and skipping over to the books. I grabbed one that seemed interesting handing it to Al so he could read it to me. He took it gently pulling me towards him to sit in his lap, he began reading to me and I began drifting of to sleep.


I felt Al tense up as I looked up at him concerned, his eyes lowered and he scratched his antlers with his hand. I sat up the blanket sliding off of my body, I took the book from him setting it down as I felt my heat start up. I smirked at him raising up and kissing his lips, he grinned against the kiss before flipping me on my back and biting my ear. My tail wrapped around his arm in pleaser as I fumbled with his buttons on his shirt, I got it off and began to work on my shirt as my heat got worst. I heard Al chuckle biting my neck drawing blood making me moan and try to make friction to my lower region.

"Some ones impatient today." He chuckled out "shall we take this to the bedroom?"

"Y-Yes P-Please." I whimpered wanting him inside me.

"Alright love." He answered.

He snapped his fingers and we appeared into our room, I let out a impatient whimper when his knee hit my womanhood. He let out a chuckle before taking of my shirt in a painfully slow pace, I whined impatiently trying to get him inside me. He looked down at my face with a smirk and I knew he was going to make this painfully slow. I let out a impatient whine when he rubbed the inside of my thigh slowly, I yelped surprised when he ripped off my pants. He noticed my panties where wet and he laughed at that making me growl because of being impatient.

"Is someone wet for me already oh I'm so honored." He exclaimed happily.

"Al I swear to god if you don't fu-" I was stopped when a finger was on my lips.

"Ah, Ah, Ah, Darling good girls get rewards when they wait patiently but you've been a bad girl so your getting you punishment. Now be a good girl for daddy and raise your arms up.~" he said seductively.

I did as he said but gasped when his hand went on my throat chocking me slightly. I moaned loudly at the contact then I noticed his belt was around my wrists pinning them to the head board. He noticed this and laughed at how my face looked, I looked up at him with a glare as I felt tentacles slide of my panties. I gasped loudly as one of the appendages slipped into me, my eyes rolled back in pleasure and my tail flicked.

"S-so A....Angle was r-right a....about y-yo-your tentacle kink." I said between moans and gasps for air.

"Partially love partially." He explained.

I felt my breathing get short and he seemed to notice because his grip on my throat lessened. his free hand rubbed circles on my clint making pleasure sprout in my body. I let out a whimper as I tried to free my hands from the restraints, I looked at Al with a pleading look and he finally folded to my needs. He took off the restraints and I grabbed his head pulling his head close to mine, I connected are lips as my toes scrunched because I was close to my climax. Al's tentacles exited my body making me whimper but the empty space was soon filled by Al's fingers as he thrusted in and out of me, it didn't take long for me to reach my climax as I yelled out his name. He continued to thrust his fingers in and out of me until I came down from my high. He pulled out his fingers licking them clean making me blush madly, he looked down at me smirking before opening his pointer finger and middle finger and licking in-between them seductively.(You guys know what I'm talking about) My face heated up even more as I looked away embarrassed.

"I'm sorry dear did I do it wrong here let me do it this way." He said I could hear the smirk on his face.

"W-What do you meAHHH~" I moaned.

He slid his tongue into me quickly moving his head up and down pleasuring me. I grabbed his antlers causing him to groan in pleasure, a few minutes passed and I hit my climax for the second time. He sat up licking his lips and ridding himself of my cum, I gazed at him in a daze my mind clouded with lust.

"Ready for round three love?" He asked leaving close to my ear giving it a bite.

"Y-Yes!!" I yelled out.

I saw him stand up and quickly discard the rest of his clothing, he crawled back over me and locked eyes with me gently pushing himself inside me. He gave me time to adjust before moving in and out slowly his speed picked up and my moaning got louder. I grabbed onto his back running my claws down his back slicing it to pieces, I kissed his neck leaving love bites and hickeys all over his body. I continued to do that till I got the idea to mark him like he did me, I bit his shoulder hard writing my initials the spot began to glow F/c then stopped. I heard him moan and I soon hit my climax he continued thrusting into me until he also hit his climax. We went through at least 3 more rounds before passing out from exhaustion.


Time skip

It's been a week and I was dozing off in Al's arms while we watched a movie together, I began having a nauseous felling so I quickly ran to the bathroom. Lifting up the toilet seat I began to throw up like nobody's business, I puked up everything I had eaten so know I was just dry heaving. Al came up from behind me pulling my hair back and rubbing soothing circles on my back. I leaned back laying against Al as my stomach turned in pain and I let out a pained whimper, Al looked at me with a worried expression laying against the bathroom wall and setting me in his lap. I let out another whimper in pain clutching my stomach as a wave of pain passed through my body, I moved towards the toilet dry heaving agian when I tried to through up. I sat in silence thinking about what could have made me sick food poisoning no I ate the same things Al did, the flu no I haven't been out of the house, wait am I pregnant. I quickly wobbled out of the bathroom over to the bedroom opening the small bag I quickly grabbed a pregnancy test walking back into the bathroom I shoved Al weakly out. I quickly took the pregnancy and waited for 10-15 minutes like the box said looking at the pregnancy test it said positive. I squealed in joy as I ran out of the bathroom to go show Al.

"AL!" I yelled.

He came running toward me looking around for why I was screaming, I ran up to him with a wide smile. He looked down at me and tilted his head in confusion, I showed him the test that had two line on it. He looked at it confused then looked at me, I gestured to the two lines on it but he still looked confused. Then I remembered he has no idea what a pregnancy test is they were invented in 19277.

"Al this is a pregnancy test and two lines mean pregnant." I stated.

He looked back at the pregnancy test as his eyes widened in realization, he took it in his hand to see if it was real and I laughed at his action. He looked at me for me to say something, he looked at me desperately to see if I was lying.

"I-Is this real love?" He asked.

"Yes Al it is I'm pregnant with our child!" I stated happily.

Al Set the pregnancy test down rushing over to me and kissing my lips. I giggled as he listed me up and spun me around then set me back on my feet, I felt something hit inside me causing my to stop laughing. My shadows appeared beside me and poked my stomach confused, I felt another thump and I realized it was a heart beat. I looked up at Al grabbing his hand and lacing it on my stomach, he leaned his head close to my stomach listening to the baby. He laughed when a heartbeat was heard, they sounded healthy I just hope they stay that way. I was lifted up by Al and brought to the bedroom Al laid me in bed pulling the blankets over me.

"Get some rest you don't want to harm the baby." He stated turning to walk out the room but I grabbed his wrist.

"Stay please?" I asked.

He smiled crawling into bed beside me, he gently kissed my head and rubbed my stomach.

"Goodnight love we will go back to the hotel tomorrow." He stated.

"Goodnight Al love you." I stated before falling asleep.



Chapter 38 done and done and lookie there your prego as always stay safe and stay tuned.

A lifetime together (alastor x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz