chapter 4

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"Now that we are officially acquainted what shall we do now" Alastor asked.

narrator (2nd) pov

You stood in front of Alastor thinking of what to do. You thought for awhile before finally giving up and giving Alastor a sarcastic comment.

" I don't know Al it's Not like I have a demon in my house every other day, so I completely know what it is you demons do." You sarcastically answered rolling your eyes.

Al's eye twitched at your answer before he growled out " Dear remember who you are talking to I could rip you to shreds.".

At that comment your eyes widen in fear, looking into Alastor's eyes as they narrowed at you. quickly you glanced down avoiding eye contact due to fear. Seeing this Alastor chuckled at your trembling state before taking his thumb and index finger placing them under your chin forcing you to look at him.

"Petite Biche it's rude to not look someone in the eyes while their talking to you." he stated like he didn't just scare you to death (pun not intended). "now what shall we do hmmm....." He questioned to himself.

Taking his hand off your chin he waved his hand and a puff of red and black smoke appeared around his hand. Disappearing it revealed that he had a red staff with a microphone handle.

" What do you think my friend" Alastor questioned

Thinking he was talking to you, you opened your mouth to answer but just as you were about to answer a voice sounded from the microphone staff.

"Well seeing as she has most of her books dating back to the great depression she might have something in common with you." The microphone answered in a loud voice.

"Ahh thank you my friend!" Alastor stated looking over at my book shelf "My, My you do have a lot of books on that topic"

" well Al before we start talking I need to clean up this mess" you gestured to the pentagram and mess on the floor.

Al looked at the mess on the ground, then raised his hand snapping his fingers. looking at him you thought of what he was doing turning back to the mess you saw that the mess was gone.

" Wait. What how did you do that. no fair I want to do that" you exclaimed like a child. " what else can you do?" you added at the end.

Chuckling Al looked at you before answering "Petite Biche I can do many powerful things, I am overlord,"

Al turned on his heals before he noticed your sketch book and the book of him, well living him. Turning towards the table and walking over to it you could bet money that you saw little deer hoof prints on the bottom of his shoes which you thought were adorable. You didn't even notice him picking up the book and start reading it. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard a staticky growl come from Al.

"They would have never caught me if it wasn't for those stupid dogs." He growled in distaste.

Turning to look at you his wide smile turned into a smirk as he walked back to you, with the book in hand.

Waving the book to show it of he teased " It seems my little Petite Biche has taken interest in my work."

Feeling heat rush to your face, you covered your face trying to hide your now strawberry red face. Still embarrassed you tried to explain yourself failing and making it worst"Wait. I- No.. that's.. what".

"Don't worry petite biche I love how you admire my work." Al chuckled.

" Al" you whined like a child who just got their toy taken.

"HAHAHA. Well dear since you are so 'interested' in my work I suppose I can share a few stories about the era I lived in" He exclaimed excitedly.

Upon hearing that you lifted your head with a large smile, your curiosity peaking. Trying to contain your joy about learning something new you started to bounce where you stood, turning on your heels you skipped over to the living area and sat on the couch. With Al following behind, he wouldn't admit this to you but when he saw you become so happy about hearing about his past his stomach felt like it did a full flip.

'Maybe I have caught some kind of sickness, I hope I don't give it to Y/- wait why do I care' he thought to himself.


Y/n pov

I sat their waiting for Al to begin telling the stories, he was deep in thought when his face lit up. Looking at him my face also lit up in excitement for a story.

Al cleared his throat and put on his best radio host voice, and his smile widening" Alright dear in 1929 was the great stock market crash which led to the Great Depression, During that time prohibition on alcohol had been going on for a couple of years now and I was broadcasting all of it on my radio on Thursday night. Many people tuned in to listen to me talk about murders in Louisiana, old legends, folk tale, and what was happening now." he paused a second making me cross my legs just waiting for him to continue talking and his story. My smile widened in excitement wen he continued again. "I believe the time was around noon when I got news of the stock market crash."

Al's pov


I was walking back to the radio station humming "your never fully dressed without a smile". When I noticed a group of well dressed men walking out of a store with a lady in tears. my smile widened seeing the sadness in the lady's eyes, curiosity got the best of me and I walked to the group and tapped on one of the gentleman's shoulders, they turned to me with a confused look.

"Hello gentlemen I couldn't help but notice this gal here in tears, and I was just wondering what all the commotions about." I asked one of the men.

" sir have you not heard, the stock market crashed over an hour ago and businesses are closing every where." He said in a bored tone like he's said it many times before.

"Thank you gentlemen for the information, I will be on my way now!" I cheerfully stated starting again on my way to the radio station.

*end of flashback


Y/n pov

I looked up at him with curiosity I swear that my eyes were shining with excitement. Al looked at me and chuckled at the curiosity in my eyes.

"Would you like another story Petite Biche." he calmly said.

I looked at him nodding franticly like if I didn't ask fast enough he wouldn't tell me anymore story's.



Chapter 4 done and done Happy new year my water drops have a amazing 2022 and tell me what your new years resolutions are. stay safe and stay tuned.

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