chapter 12

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""She is my lover" I said with a smile just saying that made me giddy inside.

No ones pov

The hazbin staff looked at Alastor who still had Y/n in his lap. They were all so confused this was the man who could wipe out entire city with his bare hands, could be a lover to a small human. They looked at the girl who was burying her head into Al's neck. Charlie then noticed a crimson hue flowing down from her head. She walked up to them, when Al pulled her into a protective hug and growled. A whimper came from the girl because of all the bruising she got from the men. Al immediately looked down at her loosening his grip, concern filled his eyes as he saw the blood coming from his skull. He brought his hand to his teeth making it bleed, he brought it to the cut but before he could heal the cut there was a spear cutting him off. He looked up at vaggie and a deep growl emitted from his chest.

"What do YOU think your doing" he asked.

"I don't know what your game is you cheesy talk show shit lord. But I will find out why your using this girl." Vaggie growled out.

Al's smile feel and his ears drooped at the white harried demon "U-Using her?"

Everyone froze they had never seen the demon without a smile, and he looked so sad. Vaggie realized this and pulled back her spear because she saw he was being genuine. He quickly placed his bloody thumb on the cut healing it. The blood stopped coming out of her skull and all that was left was a faint white scar.

"Would you explain to me what the hell is happening." Husk growled taking a swig of his booze.

"I already told you she is my lover." Al said exhausting.

"Yeah but that doesn't explain much. We need all the details." Angel said

"fine" he said aggravated.

Time skip to when Al is done explaining things to the group.

"And that's it" Al finished.

"So you genuinely do like her?" Vaggie asked.

"Yes and I'm very sorry vaggie that you only believe I use people." Al apologized.

Vaggie froze shocked The radio demon apologized to her he never apologized to anyone. She scoffed turning away from him and to charlie.

"Gi him a break Vags he obviously loves her." Charlie happily says to vaggie.

"I know but I still don't trust him fully." Vaggie said.

The two looked over and saw Al protectively holding Y/n while angel made sexual comments about the two. He poked her in the cheek waking Y/n up. She growled not waking up, only making angel poke her check again. Al tensed up knowing Y/n hated being waken up from her sleep. Angle continued to poke her cheek until Y/n finally had enough. Her head quickly spun hear head around to Angel a satisfying pop coming from it. He was about to poke her face again when Y/n bite down on his finger. He let out a painful yelp pulling his finger back while Y/n growled still growling. It wasn't a scary growl it was more of a puppy growl which made Al's heart skip a beat.

"geese I see why your dating your both psychos." Angel said rubbing his finger.

Husk and Al began to laugh at angel. The two girls walked over to see what all the arguing was about. Y/n had now started fully waking up, she noticed all of the demons around her. Her eyes filled with fear as she remembered she just bit one she quickly looked around the room like a prey being surrounded by predators. Al noticed the girl beginning to freak out, so he gave her waist a light squeeze. She let out a squeaked from the pressure on her waist. Al smirked and squeezed her again, this time she let out a even cuter squeak. She looked at him giving him a upset frown, which Al only thought made it ten times more cuter.

"I'm not a squeaky toy Al." Y/n scowled at him.

"Your right you aren't a squeaky toy your MY squeaky toy" he whispered in her ear.

A shiver went down her spine as she giggled. The group heard this and looked at her in awe at how cute it was. Y/n then remembered about Max, she quickly stood up and began looking franticly for max. Everyone looked at her confused at what she was looking. She ran into the kitchen, nothing, next she looked in the dining room, nothing. The group started following her and with every room she became more panicked. She started hyperventilating still looking for the 2 year old, Al looked at her and noticed she was going to have a panic attack. She was now on the ground her hands ringing through her hair. Al quickly teleported Infront of her kneeling down and wrapping his arms around her petting her head.

"Al where is he? What if he got lost? what if one of the men had killed him? what if-" she was cut of by Al.

"No, No I'm not sure who you are talking about but the men didn't hurt them." he soothed to her.

"M-Max Al do you know where he is?" her sobs becoming dry because she had no tears left.

"Oh my love Max is in the storage room with Nifty." He answered.

She pulled back looking into her lovers eyes "N-Nifty?" she question.

"Yes dear I'll show you but first I must see that precious smile. because your never fully dressed without one." with that she made a soft closed eye smile appear on her face. " That's it my dear."

He leaned forward kissing her head, the women let out a giggle. Al picked Y/n up by her waist, she wrapped her legs around him.(Like the picture up top) He walked to the storage room with him in his arms. She took in his sent and immediately relaxed he smelled of campfire wood, cinnamon, and iron no blood. The smell wasn't bad though it just made her want to relax in his arms more. They made it to the storage room to her muffled laughing and talking. Al set Y/n down Infront of the door, she slowly raised her hand to the door knocking on it. There was shuffling on the other side of the door, the door opened revealing a short cyclops demon with a poodle skirt. Looking behind the demon she saw Max laying on the ground staring at the ceiling.

"Max!" she cheered happily.

The boy looked over seeing his baby sitter. "Y/n you're ok."

The boy quickly ran over to her jumping into her arms causing her to fall backwards on her butt. The two laughed as everyone except Al was confused by this whole situation. She stood up setting Max on the ground stepping back and rubbing his head making him laugh.

"I see you've made a friend." She said to the little boy." But remember you can't tell Elliot about any of this."

"Yes ma'am" He said smiling.

The cyclops skipped over to the women before speaking "Hi I'm nifty I haven't meet you before. You're house is really clean. I really like cleaning so if you need anything cleaned just yell for me. Your also really pretty. can you try on a few clothes that I've made. I think they would look really pretty on you. It's always nice to make new friends. Oh do you want to be friends. I'm sorry I'm rambling."

She said everything so quickly it took Y/n a minute to register what she was saying. After a couple of seconds of starring at her Y/n shook her head laughing. kneeling down to Nifty's height Y/n stuck her hand out

"It's a pleasure to meet you Nifty and yes I will be your friend. And did you say you make clothes?" she said to Nifty.

"Oh I did didn't I. Would you like to model my clothing." Nifty excitedly zipped around Y/n.

"I would love to Nifty." Y/n answered.

Nifty squealed in excitement before pulling out a tape measurer. She quickly zipped around Y/n taking in measurements for the clothing. The group had finally gotten bored they just headed back to the living room. After speaking to nifty for a couple of minutes Y/n and Al walked to the living room while Nifty and Max went back into the storage room. Y/n was lost in her thoughts wondering why those men where even close to her house.



chapter 12 done and done. stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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