Chapter 23

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This chapter will have blood, gore, manipulation, and death you have been warned.


"We need to hurry someone's breaking the deal she has with me." Al said in a worried tone.

Y/n's pov

The priest continued to say quotes from the Bible in Hebrew as I screamed in pain. My body felt as though it was on fire and it was only getting worst. Every couple of seconds the collar on my neck would go off but it was going unnoticed as the burning pain got worst. The priest soon stopped when a large light came from my shoulder. Locking at it, it said by ownership of the radio demon this soul belongs to me. The priest quickly walked up to me with a blade as he began to carve out the piece of skin the seal was written on. I screamed loudly thrashing my body to get the man to stop. Finally he did taking the piece of flesh and burning it with a wooden cross on it. The priest nodded to my parents before walking out of the room. I was in a daze from blood loss but was brought back when I felt something stab into the side of my neck. I screamed in pain as a searing pain spreads through my body. My mother pulls back the object from my neck as I see it's a needle with a black substance that was left over from what she put in my body.

"W-Why please tell me what I did to deserve this?" I asked weakly.

"Why! Why! If you were never born we would be happy but no you ruined everything!" They both screamed at me "no one will love you your useless!"

Tears spilled from my eyes at their words they walked over to the wall with all of the torture tools. Looking down I noticed I still had Al's doll with me reaching for it I was cut a bit short from the restraints but could wrap my fingers around the hand of the doll. I gave it a week squeeze before preparing for a fun time of torture. They walked over to me seeing me gripping the doll so they ripped it out of my hands throwing it to the ground.

They took a knife to my face and drew a smile on my lips before saying " look now you can never be sad."

Al's pov

We were almost to the old construction building when I felt a pressure on my hand. Looking down no one was there so I knew it was Y/n. I realized her grip was weaker than usual witch made me worry for her safety the. I felt a rough tug on my waist then a pain on my back as if someone threw me to the ground. Quickening my pace I could now see the old construction building in the distance. My spear picked up as I ran to it leaving the rest behind me. Busting threw the door I heard a blood curdling scream. Y/n I knew that was her voice so I ran that direction. Walking to the room I saw a room with glass on one wall I walked up to the glass seeing Y/n strapped to a chair in the middle of the room letting out blood curdling scream. Her shoulder was bleeding and so was her head I saw a smile was carved on her face so she was forever smiling. Her parents stood over her stabbing different tools into her they moved away and I saw how tired she looked. I gritted my teeth as I grew into my full demon form busting threw the window I ran to the man and women demon before lifting them both up by there neck.

"You have harmed my love and you shall pay" I said in a distorted.

"Well looks like your loved one is about to die." Her father said.

I looked over at Y/n and saw her eyes beginning to close. I quickly dropped the two demons and began ripping them apart with my shadows. Rushing over to Y/n i undid her restraints lifting her up and setting her in my lap as I sunk to the floor. I saw her reach for something on the floor looking at what she was reaching for I saw she was reaching for the small doll of me. Grabbing it I handed it to her and she gave it a weak hug.

"A-Al they ended the deal." She said weakly "how will I find you."

"Shh, shhh don't worry love when you get to hell I want you to stay out and I will be there to get you. You have nothing to fear love." I soothed to her.

She nodded to me as I felt her slowing begin to slow and her heart beat her eyes began to close and I pulled her closer to me.

" Al I'm sleepy I'm gonna take a nap." She said to me.

" that's alright dear don't worry when you wake up I'll be here for you." I calmly said.

Looking up at me she leaned up wincing in pain as she pressed a soft his to my lips. I felt tears stream down my face as her eyes closed. I listened as her heart beat a breathing stopped. I let out a scream before lifting her up and walking threw the door with her in my arms. Walking threw the door I saw everyone waiting for me to return. I looked up my smile gone as I teleported back to her house to burry her.

Y/n's pov

Two men that's all I could hear they were arguing about something. I walked through the black void I was in as the two voices became more clear.

" well she can't be in heaven with her personality. She could kill everyone if that side takes over even you my lord." One man said.

"I know my child but she is very powerful so we must not let her be harmed." The other said.

"She does have a lover remember." The younger man said.

"I'm aware maybe that can work. Yes that shall be what we do." He said.

After that I was falling my eyes opened as I looked around quickly. Red that's it that was the only thing I could see as I fell. I fell for a while and then a searing pain spread through my back as I yelped in pain. Looking around I saw a tone of animal human creatures. Stepping back in fear I looked around and saw a large sign that said welcome to hell.

'I need to find Al' I thought.

I began shaking in fear as a man who looked like a lizard approached me he grabbed my arm pulling my forward glancing up and down at my body.

"Hey baby why don't you come to my house for some fun~" he slurred.

"No thank you and please let go of me." I said jerking my hand from his grimy grasp.

"Oh feisty I like that." He said.

I took a step back as anger and fear ran through my body. The man came closer as I continued to back away finally backing into a wall. I closed my eyes in fear before I felt something cold place it's hand on my shoulder looking over I saw my shadow with a sadistic smile. Then I felt another hand on my other shoulder looking at that one it was another shadow but this time it had a smile like it was proud or something. I saw the lizard man quickly take a step back as he saw the two shadows. I nodded my head towards the man and the shadows began tearing him apart. I stood there in fear of what I just did before I thought of what Al would say.

'Oh would lover be proud of us' I heard a cheerful voice say.

'Oh would you shut up already your to happy." A more distorted voice said.

I looked around trying to find the voices before they spoke again.

'Whatcha lookin for" the cheerful one said.

'She's looking for us idiot' the other one said.

'W-who are you' I thought in my head.

" we're you silly" the happy one said.

'What do you mean you're me' I wondered again.

'What she means is we are your shadow kind of like Al.' The distorted one said.

'Oh we should go find lover maybe the doll would help.' The happy one exclaimed.

'What do you mean the doll that's in the living world not her-' I was cut off my a puff of F/c smoke when the smoke cleared in my hands was Al's doll. ' well I guess that helps but how did I do that.'

'Magic!' My shadow said appearing in front of me to give jazz hands then disappeared again.

I began walking out of the alleyway with the doll In hand giving it light hugs and kisses as i searched for Al.



Chapter 23 done and done I promise the next chapter will be longer and stay safe and stay tuned my water drops.

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