Chapter 6

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As the night continued I looked at the time seeing I soon needed to leave to help Charlie with her passion project

Y/n pov

Al looked over at what I was assuming the clock on the wall and then back to me.

"I'm sorry petite biche but it seems like I must go back to hell." He said still with a smile so I couldn't tell what he was actually feeling.

" oh that's fine I have to go to town anyways so that works out perfectly. " I said my smile small but still barley there.

I was quite sad that he was leaving because I was quite enjoying his company. He stood up looking down at me he almost looked sad when I looked at him.

" I will return the soonest I can my dear." Al stated.

He took about to steps back from me. A pile of smoke covered him and with that he was gone. I sighed sadly that Alastor had to leave. I sat their for a couple of minutes before my phone started to ring turning to were it was laying I stood up walking over to it. I looked at the caller Id and saw it was Elliot (no offense to people named Elliot it was the first name that came to mind) my ex bff . She wasn't the kindest to me during school you could almost call it a toxic friendship. She used me to get with people and kinda manipulated me into doing their bidding. Finally I got some sense and ended the toxic friend ship.

Pickling up Elliot sounded through the phone " Hey Y/n haven't talked to you in a while. But I really need your help."

"What is it this time need some cash or is it a break up gone wrong and I'm your last resort." I sarcastically asked.

" No no none of that I was wondering if you could watch my kid max. I remembered how much you loved kids. Haha" they laughed awkwardly.

"No" I said.

"Come on Y/n I can't leave him her he's only 2 years old." they wined.

"How long" I asked. Finally giving up because it was just a two year old.

"Oh goodie I new you would come around. Only for a week." She cheered through the phone. "I will be dropping him off tomorrow around noon thanks bye."

"Wait tomorrow I'm not even prepared" before I could finish my sentence she hung up.

Falling back on the couch I sighed heavily thinking to myself "It's just a 2 year old how bad could this be."

I sat there for a minute before remembering something.

"oh shout I'll have to tell Al about this. This is so aggravating" I growled out my mood before gone replaced with irritation.

standing up I remembered I still had to go to the store. Putting on my hoes and coat since it was still winter. Writing a note for Al and placing it on the table just incase he was here before I was. Looking at the time I saw it was around noon. Heading out the front door locking it behind me I got in my car heading town.

Al's pov (in hell)

Charlie had dumped a lot of paper work on me so I was working on that.

'for a hotel that has one client it sure has a lot of paper work' I thought to myself 'I wonder what Y/n is doing right now- wait why am I thinking about her right now. What is this little human doing to me. sure she fun, cute, and nice to- no stop this Alastor you can not grow attachments to this human.' I lectured myself.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw my shadow silently laughing. Sending it a glare it stopped immediately.



ok so when the shadow is talking he will be in bold and Al will be in normal font. Alright back to the story.


'what's so funny' I growled

'Someone has a little crush' it said

'Whatever do you mean my good friend' I questioned

'Oh don't play dumb we both know you like her'

'I do not feel such way she is merely a friend'

'You will soon see that she is more than just a friend to you' my shadow growled

' We shall see good friend we shall see, but I can promise you there is no such connection'

With that my shadow left me with the stack of paper work that was on my desk.

Time skip to after the paperwork is finished.

Walking up to Charlie's office I knocked saying "Charlie dear I am knocking because I respect your privacy, but as your business partner I'm coming in anyway."

Just then angel walked by so I picked him and used him to bust threw the door using him. Once in the room I through the prostitute spider back in the hallway. walking over to were charlie was sitting I snapped my fingers making the stack of papers appear in front of her.

"There you go dear, I will be tacking my leave so I shall see you tomorrow." quickly turning on my heals and leaving before she could ask me to do something else.

Walking out the door I heard her yell " Bye Alastor see you tomorrow!"

Walking into the lobby I saw vaggie staring daggers at me walking up to her I scratched under her chin saying " you know dear you never fully dressed without a smile"

With that she looked about ready to explode. Walking out the door I snapped my fingers to get to my house quicker. Rushing up the stairs into my radio room walked beside my radio. Looking at the clock I saw it was around 2pm snapping my fingers smoke surrounded me. When the smoke began to clear I saw I was in Y/n house. Looking around the house for my petite biche I saw she was now were in sight. My ears dropped down before I heard my shadow speak to me.

'He doesn't like her he says there no connection' my shadow says to me growling 'I can tell you right now that you are lying to yourself'

'Fine if it pleases you and you stop bugging me I might have a little connection to the human' I say unwillingly.

'I'll take it but your going to see it's more than a little.'

looking at my shadow I said 'fine just help me find her'

With that it vanished looking for her I made my way to the living area sitting on the couch Infront of the fireplace. A few second later my shadow returns holding a note to me. Taking it my shadow forms back into my normal shadow.

Dear Al,

I'm out to the store I left this incase you got here before I did. I will be home around 2:30 pm. Make yourself at home before I get back.

Love, Y/n

Seeing the love Y/n made my heart squeeze.

'maybe my shadow is right, I do feel different around her. Anyways looks like we will be waiting a while before she gets home.' I say looking at the clock.



boom chapter 6 done and done. again stay safe and stay tuned my little water drops.

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