chapter 26

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A yawn escaped my lips as I was drifting off, giving the boys heads one more pet I told them goodnight before drifting off to a dreamless sleep.

y/n's pov

I woke up yawning before a grumble came from me not wanting to wake up. I heard a soft chuckle beside me turning to look at the voice I saw Al laying against the bed post reading a book.

"Why good morning love how was your sleep?" he chirped placing down his book.

"It ended to quickly." I grumbled.

Looking at the alarm clock by the bed I saw it was almost 5am. I sat up stretching satisfying pops came from my back before I was ripped out of bed by my ankles. A yelp came from me as Al let out a surprised gasp. Looking up I saw my shadows stood there with a grin on both of there faces.

'BREAKFAST!!!!" the giddy one yelled in my head.

'Could you not get me out of bed like that though' I glared at the shadows who coward back in fear at my murderous glare.

'sorry mistress but we only wanted to make you fully awake.' the more mature one spoke calmly.

'Apologies accepted but I need to get ready before breakfast.' I looked over at Al who was watching the silent conversation with curiosity.

My shadow appeared in front of me with a pair of folded clothing. Taking them I walked to the bathroom to take a shower walking to the bathroom I saw Al follow me in. I quickly turned to him with a what do you think your doing face. He looked at me with hungry eyes, I tilted my head to show him I was waiting for him to step out of the bathroom so I could take a shower.

"And what do you think your doing mister?" I questioned.

"Oh I wanted to see your new body without clothes on love~." he purred walking closer to me.

"Oh no, no, no mister you are to wait outside your already horny." I exclaimed.

"Horny?" He questioned tilting his head.

"My god umm, how do I explain this....." I thought for a minute before answering "Um it's kind of like your more aroused sexually anyways."

"I mean I wouldn't mind doing that again~." he growled territorial.

"Yep nope Mr. Horny deer I'm not letting you in this bathroom until my morning routine is fully done." I stated plainly.

"Oh and how are you going to get me to leave your just my petite biche." he growled smirking.

I narrowed my eyes at him before replying "Is that a challenge." (Thank you lion king)

"It is if that's what you want love." he replied smugly.

I quickly thought to my shadows as they appeared next to me with there own smirks. Al's eyes widened knowing he screwed up. My shadows grabbed him by the arms as he was dragged out of the bathroom his ears lowered as he began to pout I giggled at his temper tantrum. I waved to him as my shadows set him on the bed disappearing he quickly ran back to the door but I closed it before he could enter. I began to here scratching on the door as I saw his claws under the door. I began laughing at his clinginess as I began undressing, turning on the water I made sure It was the perfect temperature. stepping in I let out a pleasured moan at the feeling making sure Al could hear it, the scratching at the door got more ferocious as he began to make sad dear noises making me let out a soft giggle at his actions. I was stepping out of the shower when I looked down at the gap between the door and the floor, huge claw marks were there. I put on my close which consisted of a black shirt the v neck cut so far down it showed my cleavage, I had a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with black shoes, and to top it of I had a crimson red cardigan. I placed my hair up in a nice bun before looking at myself in the mirror and dang did I look good. (I got the clothing idea from the picture above) Stepping carefully out of the bathroom I saw that a heavy feeling was in the room. I looked around for Al before I noticed red glowing eyes from one of the eyes. I walked up to the figure before the figure stepped out of the shadows. Al looked at me before his eyes scanned me over he came closer to me placing his hands on his hips I gently wrapped my tail around his arm before pulling out of his grip and walking over to the bookshelf teasingly. I heard a grow come from Al before I felt Al grab my waist pulling me to his chest.

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