Long Time, No See

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Hi, everyone! It's Mabry (the author.) I feel like I owe all of you explanations and answers and if you have any questions, I'm here to answer every single one. I have gone back and forth through the years with originally publishing the book and republishing over and over again and I've done quite a few rewrites over the years. I've published a lot of books that a lot of you ask about (specifically the Klaus book lol) so I wanted to address everything all at once and leave it out there so that you guys don't feel like anything has gone unanswered especially since I get quite a few DM's and messages on my board regarding my stories:

1) I will likely not be republishing Hypnotic. I wrote that book almost five years ago and revisiting it isn't something that I see myself doing especially as I'm working on original projects

2) I will probably not be publishing any newer version of Stefan and Amalia's story, but I do have storylines and new dialogue I've come up with for fun regarding season 7 and 8 and also just corrections for dialogue and specific storylines I've already written. For example, a lot of Stefan and Amalia's story and even how they got together is completely different in my mind now.

3) I MIGHT be publishing original stories in the future if that's something you guys are interested in seeing

4) Regarding number two, if you guys are interested in the new dialogue and plot lines I came up with for seasons 1-8, please let me know! I'm more than willing to share it because quite a bit has changed lol

5) i WISH i had the time but i am currently in school learning how to be a screenwriter (that's some good news) (maybe you guys will watch any show or movie i write in the future)


thank you so much for supporting me and reading my stories no matter how terribly written they are (from an older version of me's point of view). even though i don't necessarily plan to write any further fanfiction, this story in particular will always mean the most to me because amalia is the first character that i've ever written that i genuinely loved. i love all of you for the support you've given me! thank you!

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