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December 4th, 1992 - The year of Monkey

Believers reckon that Mars rules over a Saggitarius.
Out of the twelve houses, if it dwells in the 10th, it just might be the worst time for a Sagittarius to be born.

It was the coldest month of the year, yet the scorching sun was radiating searing heat outside the hospital.
Weird right?
But who cares about stars when a couple, madly in love was all set to embrace their first child in their arms.

The new parents were over the moon, watching their pretty boy sleeping in peace. Placing a warm kiss on his wife's forehead, the man held baby's tiny hand in his.

"Thank you so much for completing us dear Kim Seokjin ah."

This day is known to have observed Korea's second volcanic eruption, after almost a thousand years of peace, at Hallasan.

March 9th, 1993 - The year of Rooster

Neptune, the conquerer of Pisces, was in the 4th house.
Not exactly in the favour of the young one, soon to rise from its nine-month sleep.
The Min family were eager to know if the mother and child were alright in the hospital room, the mother holding onto her every inch of strength.

After an excruciatingly painful hour, Mrs. Min gave birth to a healthy boy, his skin pale as the milk. The family rushed in, yearning to hold the little one named, Min Yoongi.

The Mins were so elated, nobody noticed the chaos caused by the sudden outburst of fire hydrant, flooding the streets near the hospital.

The same day was affirmed with the highest rain pour through out the sovereign state have ever witnessed.

February 18th, 1994 - The year of Wood Dog

Uranus which governs Aquarius, dominated the 1st house.
It was like a cherry on the top for an ominous day for the family of travelling musicians. Mr. and Mrs. Jung were on their way to the maternity clinic nearby.

Neither the blizzard was helping, nor the lack of transportation were on their side. They had to take help from the locals. The about to be Dad played his wife's favorite tune outside the room, the only way he could think of to care for the love of his life.

By the time the melody ended, the room waiting for the any intel was then filled with a merry cry. Everyone congratulated the lovely pair. The husband thanked his lucky stars for the tiny Jung Hoseok's arrival, hardly bothered by the sudden diversion of wind.

The particular day was claimed to have the worst storm to ever pass by the nation.

September 12th, 1994 - The year of Wood Dog

Mercury, the ethnarch of Virgo, was hoarding the 3rd house.
The seers believe it to be one of the wicked positions the celestial body could be in.

One of the richest CEOs of the nation, was fidgeting with the car key, now pacing outside the VVIP room of a private hospital. One with wealth can open once broken roads but what can a man do when the heaven's not on your side?

The couple merely escaped a landslide on their way to the hospital. The husband was worried sick for his unborn child. Wild thoughts never leaving his mind all this time. After waiting for what felt like eternity, the doctor finally announced the blissful news. The heir of the Kims was here.

The proud father went inside to take a look at the mother of their little prince. He gently picked up the bundle of joy and stared at his wife, a gaze filled with overwhelmed love. "You made me the happiest man on this earth, Namjoon's Eomma".

Later that day, citizens of Seoul watched the bridge over the Han river collapsing before their eyes, a sight people couldn't emphasize to be real.


Coruscating lights, incoherent chatter, vibrant decorations and exhilarating ambience filled the night of April 25th, 2020 in Wolmido theme park.

Four peculiar individuals from different cities, different upbringing and different baggages were here tonight, in Incheon.

Oblivious to the pull that made them come here in the first place, the four strangers find themselves stupefied to their spot while the entire place was in chaos after a mysterious incident.

Everything took barely minutes to make the flamboyant atmosphere stop midway with one of the stalls on fire, the beautiful fountain at the center soaring up high out of the blue, an unusual gale wind causing the fall of a big tree on one of the rides and a sudden tremor causing the decorations to fall off scaring the folks out of the park.

The uncanny encounter wasn't something these four men presumed, yet found an uneasy feeling crawling up their insides, with a desire to know more about each other.

Were these complete strangers somehow responsible for the mayhem they were stuck in? Why didn't they make a run for it when they had the opportunity to?

Did they know something about the gentlemen in front of them when they literally had their first eye contact a while ago?

Ever felt there's something bigger, stronger and wiser behind your existence? Ever thought about the unusual things that happened around you and felt accountable for those? Ever suspected your presence to be the reason behind the bigger picture which people often tends to ignore?

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