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"WHAT!?" Yoongi shouted, with a half astonished and half evil smile.

"Dude you look creepy with that…whatever you're trying to do with your face. It's your sister for God sake!" Song Hye calmed his ass down.

"Seokjin ssi…. I'm sorry but we can't do this." those were the words that came out of the woman, whom I can bend my world for. 

'That's not how it ends in the movies, does it? Did I do it the wrong way? If that's the case, Jimin better be ready with a big ass coffin for himself. Will save half of my time!' I thought skeptically. 

"Not now, when we're both just started to live our dreams."  Hyejin ah said with her calm and soft voice. 

Oh. Now I get it. Thank God! Hyejin saved you Jimin! 

"You almost gave me a heart attack sweetheart." I said getting up and engulfing her in a big hug. 

"So you're not mad at me, for denying your lovely proposal?" She asked, her eyes looking at me for any signs of hurt. 

"Yeah, you alright there man?" Yoongi interrupted, again. 

This time I just glared at him while Namjoon and Hoseok took a hold of each of his arms and dragged him out of the place. 

Song Hye just pretended she didn't know the guy and even showed a quiet place for them to leave Yoongi there. 

I took her hands in mine. "Why would I? What you just said was… Actually right. Now that I think about it, you're at the peak of your career and me being the stupid guy didn't even take that into consideration. I'm so sorry honey." I said resting my head on hers. 

Although my one month plan failed, I had a smile on my face. 
You ask me how? 

Because I have my woman right beside me. 

"Who cares if we're married today or ten years from now? As long as we are there for each other through all the times, I'll wait for you to say yes." I said leaning down to seal my promise. 

Warm tears rolled down her cheeks as she gave in to the kiss, her hands resting by my shoulders. 

Everyone was clapping by now. Yeona even made a heart with her little hands over her head. 

One would think, this moment itself is what we call the 'Union of two beautiful souls' like a priest. 

"Tell that to your mother who's been planning which furnitures to buy for the newlyweds ever since you told her about the proposal." Jimin chirped in. 

'He really doesn't like to live huh?' I thought, poking my cheek from inside while Hyejin ah buried her face in her hands probably thinking how disappointed my mother will be. 

"Dd-ddon't wo-orry Jin Hyung, your mother likes Hyejin noona more than she loves you so you're pretty much safe." Jimin stuttered. 

"Where's Yoongi? Did he die of happiness somewhere now that he doesn't have to send away his baby sister?" I asked casually, getting hit by my girlfriend in the process. 

Mins I tell you.

"I'm so sorry, you okay hyung?" Yoongi asked, trying not to snicker. 

"Brother you can't even hide that grin of yours, ever since I got rejected!" I said and started chasing after him and laughter followed. 

Some endings might not be the ones we often wish for… 

But it doesn't have to hurt if your favorite ones are happy with it.

Four twisted fates
Three entangled clowns
Two threads
One story



"Hey you idiot, we'll be late! Get your ass back here right now!" I said entering JK's apartment.

"Give me five minutes Jim, almost done with the shower." JK yelled back. 

"Never on time. Classic Jungkook." I said to particularly no one. To kill the time, I wandered into his room. 

For a ballet dancer, he sure lives aesthetically. White walls, peach curtains, king sized bed. What made me stop on my way was just a mere wall. 

A person like Jeon Jungkook, always minding his own business, away from the 'shackles of relationships' as he calls it had an entire wall filled with photos of us, the boys.

I could tell the pictures were taken by him. Brings back so many memories, if I were given a chance to go back in time and change nothing but to relive those precious moments, I would take it without any hesitation. 

I still vividly remember the moment I met the real Jin hyung with the little temper of his, Joon hyung with his destructive character beneath his humble nature inspite of being a millionaire, Hoseok hyung with his stormy and shy behavior while Yoongi hyung with his ever calculating face hiding the really caring persona of his. 

What a rollercoaster ride the last year had been, now that I think of it. Crazy prophecy, childhood baggages, changing threads and what not. We almost lost one of us in the process. 

But we made it in the end, didn't we? And here we are. Busy growing up with our lives, thankful for being in each other's lives.

I wonder what would've happened if I didn't go for the post of Jin hyung's assistant?
Would I be able to enjoy the warmth of having older brothers looking over me like they do now? 
What if I never made a wrong turn and find Tae by the supermarket? 
Would I be able to proudly call him my best mate again just like in the high school times? 
What if one of my flings never liked a ballet show?
Would I be able to meet this amazing piece of shit I hang out most of the times with?
Would I have been this happy without them like I'm right now? What if… 

"You done drooling over my room decor? Can we leave now? We've got rides to enjoy and a proposal to set up. So…" He said tapping his watch and walking out of his bedroom. 

I just shook my head and smiled to myself. 

"I guess we'll never know." 

I picked up the keys and walked out of Jungkook's room. 


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