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April 27,2020

6:45 am

"I can't believe this."

Deep down I thought I made a mistake by inviting those three guys in my house. But now as I hear my doorbell scream for the nth time, I know I've done a mistake.

It was after a long time that I'm waking up this early. Grumpily, I made my way through to welcome my 'guest'.

"I thought you were dead. I've been knocking the door from. . ."

Yoongi entered the room, ranting his exhaustion to me. He placed his luggage, which shockingly was just a duffle bag, on the floor and sat down on the couch. I was too tired to greet him.

"Make yourself comfortable, the fridge is over there if you're hungry, your room is ready, feel free to roam if you want anything else. But Please don't wake me up before 9. Goodnight!"

"Yeah, Goodmorning to you too."

I lazily left the room ignoring his sarcasm. I need sleep to make myself presentable and deal with everything today.

9:15 am

I opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I was completely unaware of someone's presence behind me as I gulped the liquid.

"What the hell? Geez, y'all scared me!"

I was startled by six pair of eyes staring at me with folded arms, looking rather pissed.

"Did you sleep well?" Namjoon smiled sweetly at me but I can sense the sarcastic tone hidden behind it.

"Oh, trust me he slept well." Hoseok taunted back.

I looked at Yoongi for an explanation for their rude behaviour to which he just shrugged.

"They came an hour ago. I invited them in since you told me not to wake you up. And we're clueless since then. . . At least they didn't have to wait outside the door for half an hour unlike me" Yoongi pouted and left to sit on the couch followed by the rest.

Their anguish was understandable. My behavior was totally inhospitable so I decided to change their mood. I decided to do the only thing I know to please them.

"Here. My apology." I smiled as wide as I could, placing three plates of Aglio e Olio , my secret weapon.

They looked at me with squinting eyes before digging into it. It looked like they were famished by the way they were stuffing their faces. I felt guilty. I bowed my head and started my apology speech that I prepared while cooking.

"I. . . I-I'm sorry. I'll improve my hospitality skills. You see, I've never lived with anyone else so at times I might come off as arrogant and insincere but I hope you'll be understanding. Let's work this out."

I raised my head to see three pigs munching the food not even bothering to reply. It's a waste of breath talking to them. Yoongi gave me a thumbs up. I don't know if it was for my speech or the food.

I left them to unpack and tried finishing some work. I remember Yoongi telling me he had to leave for his morning shift so I took some break to check on him. He was putting his stuff on the desk and talking to himself.

Insanity at its best.

"I had breakfast, it was delicious."

It's nice to hear that he liked my dish,but it would've felt better if he had told that to me rather than himself. Thank God I'm not as insane as him!

"Oppa, don't skip your meals and overwork yourself okay?"

A female voice surprised me. It turns out he was not talking to himself afterall.

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