JIMIN (29)

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" If you don't act now, there just might be something to worry about. Remember what I say you now... Stick together, ALL OF YOU."

The phone went off numbing my senses. From the way he spoke, I knew it wasn't Taehyung. It was him. The supposedly guardian angel.

But he only made appearance during desperate times. Why do I have a hunch that the hyungs were in danger?

7:04 pm

I redialed Taehyung again but it was switched off. That jerk just dropped a bomb and left.

I was rummaging my head trying to come up with any answer or explanation but couldn't find any. All the guys had their phones switched off which troubled me more.

"Hello? Jungkook?"

"Yes what?" He snapped at the phone as if I disturbed him.

"Come to Yoongi's restaurant asap." My anxious mind running all the places.

"Hyung, I understand you miss me. But play with Taehyung tonight. I'm busy with someone." He whispered. I'm tired of this playboy. He always goes around watching movies and going to dinner with different girls but hardly takes it any step further.

"What makes you think I care? I said COME SOON. IT'S CODE RED." I yelled as scarily as I could and hung up.

The drive to there almost took twenty minutes. I sent loads of messages to the hyungs but none were delivered. I even called Seokjin's mother but he wasn't there.

What exactly are they upto?

7:45 pm

"Welcome to ham and. . . What are you doing here?"

I stopped on my way when I noticed Song Hye noona was on the counter instead of Taehyung. She smiled widely at me, which means she's still unaware of everything.

How am I supposed to handle all this things? Why are you doing this to me?

"Oh Hi noona. I don't think we've met but. . . I'm Park Jimin." I politely shook hands with her despite of the fact that my insides were dying with anxiety.

"I know. Yoongi talks a lot about you guys." Her smile was bright like a sunshine. I can see why yoongi hyung is smitten.

We smiled awkwardly as I took a seat. I noticed how her expression changed from smile to despair. She probably expected Yoongi hyung to come with me.

"What are you doing here noona?"

"Taehyung asked me to look after it today, said he had some errands to run." She said moving back to the counter to bring me coffee.

So was this his plan all along?

His voice echoed in my ear. I need to gather all of them, only then can I help.

Jungkook blasted in and was in a similar state as I was when he saw noona welcoming him. He greeted her and sat across me.

"Where's Taehyung? Or Yoongi hyung? They're still avoiding? What code Red? You should know I was in between. . ." I slapped his mouth to shut his endless queries.

"One by one, idiot!" I sighed explaining my call with Taehyung and what I derived from noona's information.

"So we need to assemble everyone?" He nodded talking more to himself than me.

"Yes. We have one. I have Mal soo noona's number. But I don't know how to contact the others." I sighed massaging my forehead.

"Others who? Can I help?" Song Hye noona asked while placing two cups of coffee.

CURSED FATE OF THE FALLEN STARS {✅}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant