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"Is it the right address? I don't wanna make a detour anymore."
I said, being exhausted from the damn weather.

Why did he take a leave all of a sudden? I heard he didn't skip even a day for the last four years. No wonder he's still single.

I knocked twice and heard someone shriek in pain on the other side of the door. I was suspicious of the situation inside. Silence followed and after a while the door opened wide.

Expecting my boss with his nasty little temperament, I prepared myself for being late. But to my surprise, I saw four men staring at me like they found their lost puppy.

"YOU!" They said simultaneously which included Mr. Seokjin.

Shit, I'm screwed!

The four weird gentlemen left me stand at the entrance, huddled up to have, what I'm assuming, a private conversation? Well they aren't good at that because I can clearly hear them! Oh My God, at least put some effort here dude!

"Jesus, I was only a couple minutes la..." I started mumbling, only to be dragged in by the guy whose attire screamed 'crazy rich asian'.

"It must be hot outside, please come in." He cooed sweetly.

"Make yourself comfortable." The guy patted the single sofa while taking a seat on the couch across. The others took their seat beside him, watching me with content.

I don't think I was this nervous even when I applied at the firm! Looking at the sweat beads forming on my forehead, the palest guy of all, offered me his handkerchief. I think if I hadn't accepted it, he would've wiped it off himself.

"Are you in pain, perhaps your hand?" Another guy asked.

"No sir." I simply replied. The files were not that heavy!

Someone get me out of here! Please.

"Oh where are my manners, let me introduce. These are my friends. Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon." Mr. Seokjin introduced the group of men.

I bowed a little and tried to get my strength to talk back. "Nice to meet you. I'm Jimin. Park Jimin."

They looked so fascinated with my name. I felt like some kid in family gatherings. I may look cute but at least pretend that I'm adult too!

Mr. Seokjin maybe realized what I was feeling and started carefully. "Jimin we're sorry if this is making you uncomfortable but we are in a bit of a situation and we think you can help us."

Wait a minute, I just met them and they're assuming I could help them? His statement made me curious now. I nodded at him to continue.

"So the thing is... " My boss started.

After ten whole minutes, I just stared at them with no expression. They were getting anxious with each passing moment, waiting for any response from my side. And I summarized the information I just gathered.

"So you're telling me you four are cursed or something, your emotions get the best of you causing troubles every now and then. And according to some prophecy, I am a mediator who can make you normal?"

"Yeah." They said together, with a tone of softness and hope.

If they are not pulling a prank on me, which they BETTER don't, they must've gone through so much.

"Did anything ever happen to you like us?" Hoseok hyung asked.

I shook my head innocently. I wanted to help but really didn't know how.

"Earlier did you feel any pain in your little finger? Us four felt that when we met first." Namjoon hyung enquired this time.

I answered with a dull no again. Looking at their long faces, my heart ached a little.

CURSED FATE OF THE FALLEN STARS {✅}Where stories live. Discover now