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"Calm the FUDGE down Jung Hoseok."

You can do this. It's just an exhibition. With YOU as the artist and all YOUR creations dolled up for a bunch of strangers to see. Nothing much right?


Why did I even listen to that clever woman in the first place? I can't do this. I'm leaving. NOW.

"Where do you think you're going you sneaky squirrel!?" There I heard the cunning fox, standing a foot behind me in the empty arena, her hands folded.

"This SQUIRREL is trying to save himself from the second hand embarrassment it will be facing in half an hour." I said turning away from Mal Soo ah.

I was about to take a giant step when this woman, who's stronger than me, grabbed my collar to stop me. I bounced back to my earlier position with now a ruined shirt. I was now looking at her like a lost pup.

She released her ever so firm grip on me and straightened my collar for me gently. Holding both my shoulders, she lifted my chin up. "Look at me Hoseok Ssi."

I did. She wasn't angry at me for trying to ditch at the last moment. In fact she had confidence in her beautiful set of orbs. Confidence that it's gonna be fine. Confidence in me.

She didn't say anything. She didn't have to. She smiled and nodded before nudging towards the main Hall.

If she thinks I can do it, I guess.... I can.

The Hall looked nothing like an abandoned mansion which it actually was. The place was all polished up for my babies to look more elegant. She knows exactly what she's doing.

Exactly half an hour later the grand doors were opened to the visitors. And I was standing on the antique spiral stairways, waiting to see if Mal Soo's special invitations worked.

After waiting for fifteen minutes or so people started showing up. And they didn't look ordinary. I could see bodyguards at a distance. Who did she invite?

I squinted my eyes at the businesswoman and she just shrugged with a sly smile. She definitely have connections and knows how to use them.

I can't believe someone like her trusted in a person like me. This woman really is something. Am I actually fated to such an amazing woman?

I don't deserve her. It is what it is.

Eventually, some of the very elite personalities came by the exhibit and some even wanted to meet me in person. They didn't expect someone so young like me behind those beautiful culinary.

Even the boys came by. I was happy they did. I gave them a tour as well. And finally introduced them to the Ms. String.

She was so comfortable around them it made me feel something new. It didn't feel right. Jungkook came upto me while they were having a nice chat.

"Jealous much?" He snickered.

"Huh, I've been single for so long, I don't even know how it's supposed to feel." I counter attacked.

"That's not something you should be proud of hyung." The younger one gave me disgusted look.

"Anyway, it's written all over your face. Congratulations you finally know how you feel hyung." He said, keeping one arm around my shoulder.

Me? Jealous? Was I really into her all this time?

"Don't joke around Jungkook ah." I said him. I'm not buying it.

"You still don't believe me? Spare a glance at the poor thing you're holding then. You'll know what I'm talking about." He said leaving me, back to the other guys.

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