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25th April, 2020

10:30 am

"Young master. Good morning. It's a good day to write a new story."

I smiled at my Dad's butler who woke me up. He's older than my parents and has been like a father figure to me ever since my childhood, taking care of my needs.

Coming out of the shower, I wore the outfit that was laid out for me and headed towards a fully prepared breakfast waiting on the table.

Many people envy me. No wait, let me rephrase it.They envy the only heir of Kim estates and establishments.

Kim Namjoon.

If you were on the other side, you would think so too.

I have everything. Literally.

A penthouse gifted to me on my last birthday.
Branded clothes of some of the greatest qualities.
Delicacies served three times a day.
Biggest of all, the position of CEO to my Dad's prestigious company, waiting for my arrival.

What could have possibly go wrong, right?

Well may be the fact that I couldn't stand up to the expectations of my parents, just for once, who pampered me with all their love. They didn't even object when I asked for some time to think about joining the office although I could see the worry in their eyes.

I've always been like this.
Growing up, I witnessed many unusual coincidences around me. Social gatherings of any kind, triggered me.

I'm not shy. I'm just not made for mass communication. It makes me anxious and trust me when I say that's not good for anyone.

I still remember fours years back when I was so sad at my grandma's funeral, weeping in the corner. A lot of people came by to pay their respect and condolences.

The crowd was making me uneasy.

Out of nowhere, some of the older women called me in front of a small group of people, sitting at the centre. I went towards them even though my heart was screaming to escape.

One of them said loud enough to take everyone's attention, "Your Granny was such a good person, she was so proud of you. I heard she used to sing only for you. Why don't you share one of melodies with us."

Everybody present there had their eyes on me now.

Sweet memories of my grandma were flooding my mind making me emotional, tears on the verge to fall out. I was in no mood to sing and even if I were, how would, in my freaking mind, perform in front of an entire clan of relatives I don't even know the names of!?

I became extremely nervous with everyone staring at my soul, waiting for me to sing. My subconscious went nuts as I closed my eyes shut.


Next moment I felt the ground shaking and soon everyone realized. It was an earthquake.

Tremors like that have always accompanied my state of social anxiety.

Higher I get affected, more severe were the shocks. I don't even know if I'm unknowingly making people suffer because of me.

To exclude myself from this world, for the better, I indulged into writing. Soon I was popular among kids, with the fairytale books.

I wanted to make a safe place for children like me, creating stories where the kids won't have to run away from their problems like I did.

I kept my pen beside the blank pages sighing, when I couldn't get a start for my new story. I was sipping my coffee when a text popped up on my phone. I checked and saw Dong Hwa asked me to get him from the Wolmido theme park, as he lost his wallet.

"This kid needs to be more responsible. Aish!"

He's the son of our Butler and apparently looks upto me I don't why. He's a good kid but always gets into trouble. He's also one of the few whom I'm comfortable with. I took my car keys and left to save his lost ass.

Parking my car outside the big theme park, I scanned the area for any signs of the younger boy.

"Where is this boy? Wait, if he did this to make me enjoy rides with him I'm gonna make him run for his life."

I called him but he's cell was out of reach. I tried a few more times but it was of no help.

I was getting worried now.

I walked out of the car, looking around for a better view when I noticed a young man getting frustrated over a flat tire of his pick up truck.
Wish I could help him, but offering money would probably offend him more. At times like this, being rich feels like a burden.

I looked at my Blancpain watch.

5:42 pm

I should better look for him. And I went inside, my anxiety slowly creeping up. I was looking for the management office where I could make an announcement for Dong Hwa.

Suddenly the people started running towards the exit.

"Did something happen? Did I do something again? Oh my God Dong Hwa!!!"

I was running now.

My footsteps automatically led me to a big fountain. While looking for him I tripped over the same young worker. He looked me up and down.

"Watch out where you're going." He said in an exhausted tone.

I called Dong Hwa again, and now it was switched off. I shut my eyes close to calm my mind, preparing for what's to come.

And then it came.

The land was shaking now scaring the folks out of the amusement park. I opened my eyes after a while only to find only four men standing at the center of the park.

Some stalls were on fire, the fountain was broken, a freaking tree fell over the carousel for God sake and now this ground breaking tremor.

What the hell is happening here!?

"Do I know you?" One of the gentlemen in suit asked.

"I don't think so." The man I stumbled upon a while ago said, after judging my attire. Hey! I'm a good person.

"Do you guys wanna get killed or something? Why didn't you run?" The guy holding his hand, asked in concern.

And then I felt a stinging pain at my little finger. I shook my hand vigorously and that's when I noticed something.

"Okay I know we are meeting each other for the first time but I really wanna ask something." I said, not able to contain my curiosity again.

They looked at me skeptically but nevertheless nodded for me to continue.

"Why do you guys have this on your fingers?" I finally blurted out raising my little finger, the others widening their eyes at me.

"You can SEE this string?" the three men yelled in unison, raising their own hands.

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