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I threw my jacket on the couch and made my way to the fridge. Even though I cut down on one shift, still my entire body felt sore. I wish I could earn money faster to live a decent life like that of Hoseok or Jin Hyung. One more year for Hyejin to be graduated and I can start saving for my own restaurant.

A sudden knock broke my daydreams.

"A man can't even drink water peacefully!" Mumbling incoherently I crossed the room. A jolt of pain shot through my fingers.


With trembling hands and anxious mind, I opened the door.

"Hey hyung!" It was Jimin, smiling like a three year old.

"You, again?" My disappointed voice startled him. He jerked that feeling off smiling widely again.

"Hello to you too!"

I always thought something was off about this kid. He looked smart but was rather dumb at times, although I can't deny that he was cute.

"What is it? Seokjin hyung is not home so come back later. . ."

He raised his palms to tell me 'stop', cutting me off mid sentence. I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to beat him up at that moment. Suddenly, he opened his overcoat and made his way inside the house only to turn back around to get out.

"What are you doing? Is this a playground for you?" I snapped.

He turned around to smirk at me. It was then that I noticed another boy, younger than him with brown hair, around the corner. He looked rather uncomfortable with Jimin's actions. Jimin whispered him something and his eyes met mine.
Another jolt of pain shrieked my entire body.

He is the other one.

Jimin held his hands and dragged him in pushing me aside. Hoseok and Namjoon came out hearing all the chaos.

"Jungkook, take a seat. Make yourself at home, please. Here, let me take these. . ." Jimin moved around to take his overcoat and throwing it to Hoseok.

The guy, namely Jungkook, looked extremely lost making me feel bad for him. Jimin sat down beside him, pushing his bangs out of his face as we stood still, trying to grasp what was happening.

"Care to explain?" Namjoon voiced our thoughts.

"Yeah sure, but first let's have some food. We are dying from hunger." Jimin pouted childishly.

"Yah, do you think it's your house? You can come over whenever you want?" Hoseok was hyper. But jimin remained calm.

"No, but it's my boss's house so. . ." Jimin shrugged giving a smile.

"And I'm the boss you work for." Seokjin entered the house looking annoyed.

"Oh great! Now everyone's here. Let's eat." Jimin clapped.

"I thought we were having dinner? Why did you bring me here?" The lost doe eyed boy asked Jimin. So he was as unawared as we were. Does that mean only Jimin and I know about it?

It was when the four of us made eye contact with Jungkook, that everyone realised who he is. But it looked like he was ignorant about the fact, just like Jimin was when we first met.

"How did you find him?" Dumbfounded, Hoseok asked Jimin who shook his head.

I knew he won't spill until he gets food so I went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for everyone.

I could hear them bicker from the kitchen. The guys were shouting,begging and threatening Jimin to talk but he won't budge. Meanwhile, Jungkook looked like he was going to faint any moment. I fastened my movements.

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