JIMIN (10)

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"Guys get your asses down here right now!"

Seokjin hyung yelled beside the van, making mine and poor Jungkook's ears bleed as we waited for the others.

"Ah sorry hyung, Joonie here was looking for his 600 dollar skin care products and we were helping him." Hoseok hyung said in their defense.

I was about to ask why in hell did Namjoon hyung needed such expensive kit for his already flawless skin, when Hoseok hyung noticed me. "We don't wanna know that Jimin ah. Trust me." He said patting my shoulder.

"So Jimin ah, you got us a driver like I asked you to right? I'm in no mood to drive us to the spot after a hectic week at work." Seokjin hyung said, cracking his knuckles over his hand.

Before I could answer him, Yoongi hyung beat me to it.

"I would have drove us there but my hands got hurt while working." Said the man who just carried all the heavy equipments with ease.

Man try harder, will ya?

"I wish I could but if I do we'll probably be dead by the next half hour." Hoseok hyung said with a smile, blinking twice at the end.

We all agreed to his statement by the way.

"Well I would but I don't want to." Namjoon hyung straight up denied. Jungkook couldn't hold back a chuckle at that, which he hid in his cough later.

"Don't worry I called my friend. He should be here by now." I announced, checking my watch. Just then I saw him across the street, coming towards us.

"He's here."

While I was going for a hug, he bowed ninety degrees introducing himself, leaving me to embrace the humid air.

"Good morning Sir. I'm Kim Taehyung, 25 years old and I'll be your designated driver today. Hope we get along well." The boy said raising his head up.

I pretended to fix my shirt to hide my embarrassment earlier. Turned around only to see the four cursed men, looking at Tae with horrified expression.

"Yaah! What are you doing here?"

"Where the hell were you these past weeks!?"

"Do you know how hard it was to find these middle men of yours?"

"You finally show up now?"

I was a bit taken aback by their behavior towards the poor guy. He looked at me with confusion. I walked in front him in a protective manner.

"Hyung! Is this the way you greet someone who works for you?" I asked them. They looked at me, as if they thought I was getting it all wrong.

"Jimin ah he's the same guy we told you and Kook about, he was the one at the park." Seokjin hyung said, convincing me otherwise.

How can it be?
He's just an old friend of mine and I knew him for a while.

"Hyung there must be some misunderstanding. I can vouch for him." I said trying to calm them down.

"Taehyung right? Don't you remember meeting us that day, in Incheon?" Yoongi hyung asked rudely.

"Incheon? I never left Seoul for the last three months and this is my first time meeting you Sir." He answered, clearly a bit hurt because he was talked down to.

"Okay, so where were you at the evening of 25th April?" Namjoon hyung enquired, keeping his poker face.

"25th April did you say?" Taehyung's face went blank. "I was hospitalized back then for two days due to exhaustion from work."

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