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"Woah, you look handsome,hyung!"

Hoseok's voice startled me as I fixed the loose strand of my hair. It was a crucial day for me today and everything had to be perfect.

"I always look handsome. Thank you for reminding though." I smirked at the gagging man.

"So. . .date night?"

"Yeah, it's been a while. I want to treat her to a nice meal." I explain him my plan leaving out certain details.

The house was hauntingly quiet today. Yoongi was staying at his restaurant this entire week for renovation and Namjoon was on a vacation to his family home. Hoseok will be leaving after me to finish his work for his upcoming exhibition.

"Ooh. Love is in the aiirrr. . ."

Hoseok left pirouetting and swaying to his own song. He is annoying but undeniably cute.

I checked myself one last time before leaving. I chose her favorite suit of mine hoping she'd like it. Throughout the drive to her house, I rechecked with the reservations and the final event. Everything has to be perfect.

When I reached Hyejin's house, I couldn't spot her even though she said she would be waiting outside. Something felt off. I got out of the car instead of honking as usual.

The front door was open. My heart was racing with all sorts of ill thoughts. With shaking hands I pushed the door open. The room was dimly lit and it looked eerie.

"Hyejin ah?"


"Where are you and why. . . Why is your door open?"

My voice was cracking as I it felt difficult to breathe. There was pin drop silence when my phone vibrated. It was her.


Hyejinnie : Run! There's someone in my house. I'm hiding in the closet. Run and call the police bef. . .

A hand grabbed my hair and jerked me back before I could complete reading her message. My mind went blank and I acted on my reflex.



After two minutes, my senses returned and I could feel a body clinging to me.

"Seokjin ssi. . .are you-are you alright?"

Hyejin-ah whimpered as she held me tighter.

"What happened? I. . . I don't remember." I stuttered.

The lights were still dim and I had blurred vision. Soon, the police had entered and evacuated us from the sight as they carried a body out. My body froze.

Did I just kill a human?

But how is that even possible. I was cured. No matter how angry I used to become before, I never harmed anyone like this. So how can I now. . .

I could hear faint voices calling my name. It was Hyejinnie. I disappointed her again. Today was supposed to be perfect.

"I killed him. I killed a man. I'm a murderer Hyejin-ah!" I spoke looking at the ambulance leaving.

"You didn't. Look at me. . . Just. . ." She started but I could feel the disappointment in her voice.

"I . . . I. . .how could I?!" Tears pricked my eyes.

Suddenly, Hyejin sat infront of me, cradling my face so that I look at her eyes.

"You did not kill anybody. Okay? He attacked you with a knife which hit your shoulder and in reflex you punched him. He was hovering over you when I hit his head with a vase. He's unconscious, not dead."

CURSED FATE OF THE FALLEN STARS {✅}Where stories live. Discover now