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Sweeping floors, cleaning tables, kneading dough, chopping vegetables, running all kinds of errands...Why am I doing this now again?

This kid's tiring me the hell out of my holy spirit! And now with this little mishap none of the brats even step here in the restaurant.

Except for the grandpa of course. Sometimes he behaves older than me.

What should I do today then? I'm definitely not in a mood to open up for business on a bright day like this. The bright sun out their calls for an outing.

Should I? But before that I need special deliveries.

Walking into the hospital, I strutted towards the room 444. Oh what an unlucky chamber. Poor girl.

I hid behind one of the curtains when I saw Hyejin almost passing through my direction. I wanted this day to myself but I needed his body. Taehyung can't be seen loitering around. Not today.

I reached her ward. The child was sleeping peacefully. I kept the packed lunch on the bedside table. I noticed the lilies in the vase Seokjin brought today. The water wasn't clear. Of course. Namjoon's turn is supposed to be tomorrow.

"Don't worry child. Your wounds will heal sooner than you think. Just hang in there for a bit." I said, pulling up the blanket for her.

The boys were doing their best to keep their promise to the broken lad. Poor Hoseok. Why can't you stop thinking much? I can't even say where you're going wrong.

The moment wasn't here yet.

Stroking her hair gently I stood up and left a note on top of the hot porridge.

Get back up.
I need your hug.

~ Hoseok ah

On my way out, I had to hide in ladies washroom. Thank Jesus it was empty! I discreetly followed the woman.

Poor Hyejinnie!

This kid needs a break. That's all I could think of after tailing her round the hospital.

Like all other queries, I knew the answer to this one too. She's trying to escape the void the advocate created in her. Working herself out every second. But it won't help you for long my dear.

I left another packed meal on her shared intern room. Before her colleagues could harras me, or should I say Mr. Kim here, I ran for my life, leaving a little note for her too.

A good doctor never skips their meal.
~ Seokjin ah

Next stop. Elementary School.

I love kids. Pure hearts and unscathed minds. No bullshit clouding their judgement. You like the sky pink. You paint it pink.

Carefully snitching myself within the school boundaries, I was having the pleasure of swaying up and down on a seesaw with a certain five year old cutie.

"Are you having fun with oppa?" I asked the little one.

She giggled showing her limited edition teeth set. Nodding her head enthusiastically she asked in her tiny voice. "Oppa you're so big why are playing here? Don't you have to work like my Mom and Dad?"

Kids really ask some of the darnest things sometimes. This kid's going places. Mark my words!

"Ah..um...It's nothing like that. I came here to see a friend." I replied nervously to a mere elementary kid.

"Ooh ooh are you Miss Hye Song's friend? Our new music teacher? She's really pretty." She questioned me but she seemed quite sure of her assumption. She beamed at the thought of meeting her amazing teacher's friend.

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